Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Summer Secret

We started a gratitude jar.  Wait let me back up.  We fed the homeless.  Wait, need to back up some more.  I saw the Secret.  Wait, further.  Okay, let's begin with the start of summer break.  As a stay-at-home mom, summer break is like a weekend that won't end.  For two weeks, I have managed to fit in housecleaning, grocery shopping, organizing, weeding, mending, meal making, meal cleaning up, teaching, and a number of other tasks in pockets of time between the pool and  "Mommy, I am bored."  I went into summer naively thinking that this was the summer my angels would learn to do chores without grumbles and reminders.  Well, it turns out my little ones are more like free-range chicken then those in a nesting box.
      Much emotion has erupted in their lives as they transition from the world of structure, friends, fun and, hopefully, interesting new things to be learned.  The catalyst, as in most households, seems to be Mom.  Yes, dear Mom won't let me eat dessert every night.  Dear ol' Mom makes me go to bed when the neighbors are still playing outside.  Dear Mom changed the plans.  It's her fault we can't go to the pool. (Um, yes, it is my fault for driving over something and getting a flat tire, please forgive me.). 
       Though I try to steer the energy of our troop towards the positive, it seemed to be cycling down the tubes.  Where did I screw up?  Why are they so unhappy?  Why is it my fault for every frustration?  And, dang it, why don't they help with the dishes while whistling a little tune like Snow White?  Road block after road block as I desperately try to make our time positive.
        Then it dawns on me.  I am trying.  That is the problem.  Okay, so it didn't come to my in a lightening strike of epiphany.  No, there were the subtle messages, road blocks.  Sometimes, it takes quite a few.  And, if you still aren't getting it, then you might get the privilege of getting hit in the head
        Last night, I turned on my TV.  We now have some sort of gizmo were you have to search for shows.  I haven't quite figured it out and morn the days of just watching whatever was given to me to watch at that moment in time.  Now, I have to make a decision.  But, not last night.  I turned it on and The Secret, the movie, was there.  Just there in the front of the line of suggested shows.  Ding.  Ding.  Watch me tonight.  Get a clue.
        I have read the book, and several others around the same concept, in the past.  The idea is basically around the Law of Attraction.  The movie rotated through a variety of modern thinkers speaking about the history of the concept, the reasoning, and how to put it to practice.  Yes, I know this.  Negative thoughts attracts negative energy.  Positive begets positive.  What you put out is what you receive.
       So, today, I minded my peas and Q's.  Or, was it carrots and my two J's?  I would try to catch myself when we were going down a negative path.  Flip it.  I'd try to flip it to positive.  This is not any easy task.  Baby steps.  One elbow blow at a time.  My wonderful, intelligent, creative beings in my charge, you are so awesome and helpful.  (Play it on repeat)
      There is a lot of work to be done.  But, we will get there.  Tonight, after swimming, I missed our turn.  I pulled into the grocery store parking lot to cut through to the back road and back up onto the road I had missed towards our home.  The kids were tired and grumbling.  In front of us, on the corner, was a family of five.  They had a cardboard sign.  I couldn't read it.  Two girls about my kiddos age, a mom, a dad, and a baby girl.  I pulled past them and suddenly thought, "We need to make them dinner."  After consulting the tired chicks in my backseat, we decided exactly what we would bring them.  We flew in the house, collected our items, made sandwiches, all things that didn't need refrigerating, and loaded in the car.  No arguments.  No tears. Very little talking.  Just doing.
      At the parking lot, we parked and got out.  Daughter takes the sack of food, Son follows, and I say, "Here is some dinner."  The family beams.  Without looking what we had given them, the father says thank you.  I choke on my tears.  There was just this weird and awesome feeling inside all of us.  I can't explain it.  I have given change to other folks sitting on the corner with a cardboard sign.  But, this time was different.
     Driving away, Daughter bemuses, "I put a piece of paper and a colored pencil in there because I thought the girls would like that." We came home.  While I was cooking dinner, our neighbor mowed the remainder of our lawn. I had tried to mow for Husband while he was away on business.  I was only able to make a Mohawk in the middle as I made two passes around the edge before the thing ceased and would not start up again.  ( actually, should I admit I had the young man across the street get it started in the first place.  Ergo, I was too embarrassed to go ask for help again so I quit.)
      The kids were so excited.  "We gave the family food tonight and our neighbor mowed our lawn.  See it works.  You get what you give."  And, no, I had not talked to them about the Secret, they came up with that on their own.  Or maybe it is from years of listening to messages.
      Tonight, before I sent them to Lalalamd, I showed them the gratitude jar.  Anytime they want, and at least every night before bed, they are to write one thing that makes them feel good.  Neither of them hesitated a second before scribbling out a thought, folding the paper and placing it in the jar.  I couldn't resist, after writing mine, I peaked at theirs.  Both said they were thankful they could give the dinner to the family.
       So we move into summer learning a new way of living.  How do you teach your young ones to become great adults?  A concrete anthology is yet to be written.  For me, I will continue my journey of acceptance.  I accept my children use me and each other as personal emotional punching bags because in us, they are safe. My children are wonderful beings.  And, I will attract their positive energy with mine.  I will have strength and endurance to live freely and mindfully while modeling my knowledge in practice for my free-range chicks who are always watching. The chores will get done joyfully.

PS. The first step of the Law of Attraction is to change your sentences to what you want to happen, to the positive.  I will live well to my eights.  Yep.

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