Tuesday, April 21, 2015

TGIF. Thank God I'm Forty

When my husband came home from work, he asked me how my last day in my thirties went.  Shrug. "About the same as the day before except I did have MLD."  After explaining the MLD was Manual Lymph Drainage massage therapy to relieve the pain and swelling in my arm and other blocked node areas, I continued prepping dinner.

Truth is I didn't really think about it.  Woopy, am turning fourty. (Sarcasm)  Social norms proclaim one should be inundated with black and silver gifts proclaiming you are on top of some hill and there is nowhere to go but down.  What does that mean really?  I thought we were supposed to prime with age like a vintage wine.

The last six years of my thirties was a verticle ascent. I had to dodge boulders and even got smashed in the head it a big one that resulted in surgery.  It's there.  It happened.  Six years ago, age 33, I wasn't too sure I'd make 40.  Six months.  Okay, you made that.  Awesome. A year, check.  Okay, let's set our eyes on five years.  Oops, boulder falling, dodged it.  Another year, check.  Crud here comes another. And another.  Wait, did you say five years. Sweet.  Let's do another year. A couple of rock slides but no major pieces missing.  Six years ago I said I was going to be fourty.  Your smiles were twisted with hope and doubt. "Blay on," I yelled. You watched my ascent with eyes of fear and amazement while keeping my ropes taut. I kept my focus on the next finger hold trying not to look down.

I am standing here and honestly a little scared.  I made forty.  I beat the statistics.  Now, what? Society says I have hit the top; that all my parts will start falling off like antique bicycle rolling down a cobblestone path. I can choose a challenge of rock hopping mountain bike trails or an easy descent on my fat-tire cruiser.  I just got all my parts in place on my life-bike, and my tires filled with air.  You know what?  It isn't the easy way, but I am going to acend this hill. New goal, grand children. Let's see if my kids are anything like their parents they will be about thirty when they become parents.  So twenty years from now...I will be seventy.  That sounds good. 

I arranged what I hope will be a fun filled, belly busting with laughter, and awesome GF/CF cupcakes consuming bowling party for a few friends and their families this following Saturday.  I am pretty excited to have an excuse to throw myself a big party. Happy dance. Thank God I am fourty.  No seriously, thank him/her. Amen.

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