Thursday, February 3, 2011

On the Mat With My Kale

Early; I arrive early for once to my yoga class last night.  The room is dark and full already.  I can't see too well in the dark with both eyes.  So I close one eye and find a corner nearest the emergency exit.  There is a draft.  Sort of weird when the room is 95 degrees and the draft is a balmy negative 5.  There is an icicle dripping from the door hinge overhead so I scoot over an inch.  I crack my ankles, they sound like popcorn, and find a seated position on my knees.  Back straight, inhale, exhale everything, empty, pause, inhale.  My goes to kale.  Yepper, kale.  I am thinking about steaming it, sauteing it, and how groovy it is that it stays green and strong and not soggy like spinach.  I just bought another head of it today.  How am I going to prepare it tonight....
    In walks Ms. Yogi and up pops my bum in the air in down dog.  Kale...  So I have been trying, and my sis too, to eat more raw.  I have to give major accolades for Sis as she is eating only raw foods, no sugar nor oils.  Way to go!  I am still more in the 60/40 zone.  But, what I am working on is a sustainable diet everyday-type-a-thing.  Then, I will try a one week raw juice fast program from the Crazy Sexy Diet book by Kris Carr. Right now, I am working on the whole family buy-in thing.  Okay, Husband is alright with it, I am pretty sure.  Certainly he misses his meat, but we did have some turkey thighs the other night...yum.  He isn't big on pasta so I am sure he is rolling his eyes when seeing last nights dinner plate...half full of spinach salad with pears and blueberries and the other half penne pasta with a kale and pine nut topping. (I say topping because it wasn't really a sauce as I roasted the pine nuts and garlic in olive oil and then sauteed the kale and asparagus lightly on top until slightly limp.)   And, I see evidence of snacking this morning.  Now, of course, he is a bigger guy then me and will need more calories.  So I will leave him to grabbing a steak for lunch from time to time. 
   Now, the kiddos are a hard nut to crack.  Jack is a carbo hog.  But, he is also the one who loves to cook and make up smoothie ideas.  He loves avacado and has been trying tomatoes, spinach, artichokes and a few other green things as long as they aren't asparagus.  Julia has always been a good eater of veggies.  Sharing a pizza with her is awesome as she can pretty much forgo the traditional sauce and cheese as long as you pile on artichokes, olives, mushrooms, and sun dried tomato...yummy.  Neither really like meats except ham and those turkey legs.  So the goal with them is to get them to eat salad...without dressing.  Oh, did I tell you that my salads usually don't have dressings on them.  Who needs that when you have yummy stuff like avocado and blueberries on top. 
   So there I am coming into my final resting pose on my mat.  My body is very sore as I had just had a Herceptin treatment on Monday and the drugs still lay heavy on my veins and my left arm and ankles are swollen.  I am still thinking about kale and what to make tomorrow night for dinner.  Hey, I can do this...I wasn't thinking about chocolate.  AND!  I skipped my nightly tea; I will have it in the morning.  I went right to sleep once I crawled in my warm toasty bed.
  PS  Housewife Tip of the Day:  I moved my orchid near the heating vent, and she is much happier.  She looked so sad up by the window that is more like Alaska the Brazil.  Most houseplants are natives of the tropics.  When it is drafty cold, you might need to move them to a warmer location and water them.  Being watered, not soggy, help them keep their toes warm...if not in a drafty window.

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