Monday, January 31, 2011

Juicing and Good Grass

   So the rumors are true, I am finally taking grass for my ailment of cancer.  No, I am not going to smoke it, but I might bake it in some brownies.  I have even taken a shot of it.  I most prefer it in a juice.  Wheat grass; liquid sunshine.  In the search to keep myself alive, I entered the world of dietary prescription to create the best inner body environment to shut down hungry cancer cells.  This requires and alkiline blood free of sugars and carbs.  ARG!  Luckily, I have a great wellness warrior on my side, Kris Carr, author and creator of Crazy Sexy Cancer.  I have been following her vlogs and newsletters since I watched her video memoir as I was recovering from my second round of chemotherapy.  I remember the night.  My mom and I actually went into a Blockbuster video rental store, remember those?  We actually looked thought the shelves of documentaries and rented Crazy Sexy Cancer and Living Proof (Lifetime Movie Network movie about the creation of Herceptin.)  We watched the movie as I lay my tired head in my mother's lap and she stroked my hair as if I was ten years old.  We cried as Kris faced her incurable, very rare, cancer diagnoses and sent herself on a journey to kick cancer in the big fat A-S-S.
   What came of her seven year journey since diagnoses is a gift of a brand new book Crazy Sexy Diet.  How is a book a gift?  Well, it is filled with some fun writing which collaborates all her research and self experimentation with her diet to stop her tumors form taking over her insides.  Cool.  Less work for me!
    Alright, so the ultimate end to this journey is vegan-green-juicy-momma to create an alkaline, anti-inflammatory blood in which these cancer jerks starve.  What rocks is that Kris is so encouraging to take things slow, adjust to your needs, and forgive yourself immensely.  And why?  Well, because the brain, the stress, the guilty is as much of a sugar to these rogue cells. 
     So how is this adventure going and where will I go?  I already eat super well.  Most of what I  put in my mouth is not processed, milk and soy free, and organic.  So this should be pretty easy, right?  Well, not exactly.  One huge hurtle is the morning.  I don't have the luxury to make green juice, cook, or actually remember to dress myself in the morning when I am getting two kids ready for school.  Okay, did I hear you say, get your butt out of bed earlier?  I mean we are talking about saving my life and not feeding my cancer with gluten ridden cereals and acidic chia tea.  Not being a morning person AT ALL, there is my first forgiveness.  I give myself permission to eat Casadian Farm's raisin bran cereal with rice milk in five minutes and sip my chia latte, with rice milk, while driving to school drop off.  I will drink juice for lunch, maybe.
    Lunch, a much easier prospect for a green meal.  No problem, salad.  That brings me to the adventure of grocery shopping.  Do you have any idea how much yummy organic greens cost in the center of the 48 contiguous states in the winter?  Okay, I can stay in the budget but have consumed most of the produce in four days time. 
     And let's talk about proteins.  I am learning about green proteins.  However, some great stables of the vegan world for proteins is nuts and those give me headaches if I consume more then a tablespoon or so.  Lentils and beans...not a good thing for me tummy, never been.  Okay, and that brings me to onions, peppers, night shades, celery, and corn.  These things wreck havoc on my system and always have.  So lunch is a salad of spinach, tomato and avocado.  Oh, yes, and a boiled egg or smoked salmon.  Yes, I am still going to eat a few animals here and there.  Kris recommends a 60 raw green and 40 other yummy stuff.  Eventually, move to the 80/20.
   No problem.  So what is it that I am eating, you ask?  Well, it is somewhere between green raw girl, vegetarian, and enjoying the occasional chicken fajita at Chili's.  I will try a few recipes and move towards the 80% green raw foods and juices.  I will find a place for my blender on my counter top even though the real estate of my kitchen is extremely limited.  And, I will celebrate that Natural Groceries carries pre-juiced, frozen, ice cube size, mixed wheat grass plus other good stuff frozen shots to add to my recipes.  And, yes, I am still eating a bit of sugar.  A bit.  I just can't deal with going crazy sugar and carb free vegan heroine, but I do hear the voices saying, "Are you feeding them...are you feeding them with this you put in your mouth?  Is it worth it?  You say yes, then please do partake in this bite of deep dark, organic chocolate.  Just put down that donut and go do a shot of grass"

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