Friday, May 6, 2011

Muffins or Store, That is the Question

So the Midnight Housewife is up to her old tricks.  When discussing the Saturday plans while tucking the kiddos in their beds, my sweet daughter says, "Mom, why don't you just do some of that tonight so you don't have to do it tomorrow, like you used to do."  Humph, she remembers when she was five that she would come down stairs every five minutes until 9:30 pm to find me baking banana bread, cleaning the bathroom, and running the laundry.
    After tucking two tired campers in their beds, taking my shower, and stopping long enough to think, I found I quite agreed.  Though I was very tired, what would it hurt to continue to work through my chores so that maybe tomorrow I would have time for an afternoon nap.  Sounds like a great idea!  Thanks Daughter!
   So I troop downstairs, look at the calendar and realize I am up for soccer snacks tomorrow!  AGH!  So the question is, do I finish making the banana bread mix I started, turn into muffins, and shabang...snack.  Or, do I get up super early (I hate mornings and frankly have a hard time getting my body moving these days) and run to the store to buy a snack? 
   Yes, I know exactly what my mom would say as I remember her walking in the door at 7 am every Saturday morning with donuts and grocery bags.  In PJs and rubbing our tired eyes, my sister and I would help her unload the car, and I would wonder when she slept as I knew she was still up past 10 pm when I finally fell asleep reading a book under the covers with a flashlight.
   So, 8:40 pm, I start into my chores, unload the dish washer, start the laundry, clear the counters, wipe the counters, finish the banana bread mix, double it, change out the laundry loads, pour the batter in the pans, it is only 9:40 pm, think I have this gig licked (is that the right saying?), wipe off the counters, do the dishes, run the extra paintings from my show I installed on Monday and have been sitting there all week down to the basement storage, organize some toys, take out the first round of muffins, take my night pills, scratch a lot (rashing really bad today), apply lotion, and I am sure there are a few more small chores...oh, clean bowl and feed the hermit crab.
  Phew, 10:45 problem, I have this.  A little Tylenol, sit and blog, watch Private Practice recordings, and lotion on my achy toes.  All that in two hours and still to bed before midnight. 

Checked off list today:
order fabric for Hoffman Quilting Challenge
move paintings to storage
snack for soccer and breakfast bread loaf made
grocery list prepared
soccer uniform laid out but still no jersey...accept the fact he may have to wear a white tee in game instead
movie watched
caught up on Grey's anatomy and Private Practice
laundry run through wash and dry ready to fold
paperwork for colonoscopy located
prescription refilled
play date for next week arranged
10 minutes of silence (to be done at the close of this entry)

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