Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Restorative Graces

Yesterday, was a day to restore. Though the morning walk to school with my two little boppers was like walking in a wind tunnel as Mothe Nature pulled out her Armagedenden winds of Colorado on trash day none the less. Bbut, finally in my car, I drove to yoga. I felt a little anticipation of uncertainty as what to expect of myself and of my yoga at the studio. But, I knew, this was exactly what I was supposed to Ben doing. So I swung in, put a bandanna over my buzzed head, and sighed onto my Matt in the corner. The experience was amazing. I completed a 90minute Hot Flow Vinyasa course my way. I took my time. I easier into poses, used my hands on my legs when needed, and flowed. I breathed and flowed. I modified. No I could not pull a half lotus tree pose of full expression with cactus arms as is my favorite expression. No, I used a kickstand of the "up" foot to support my standing leg and full expressed my heart opening rise in my chest. A grounded tree so strong and beautiful. And that was the perfect expression. At the end of practice, I thanked my Yogini. I told her how, they know what I am going through at the studio, they have all taught me so much that I could do that. I could use their warn room, meditativite guidance, and the community to create what my body needed. Deanna, had taught me about my physical muscles and mechanics. Stacy, has taught me about the mind and spirit, Lauren has taught me about my shoulders and hyper extension my my elbows so that I can move into down dog, plank and full sun salutes with control, power, and easy. And Tiffany, well, she was the instructor today. So I smiled and told her that she gives the gift of the power moves like headstands. And, that I am excited to move back into those poses when my body is ready. So thank you Solar Yoga down here in our humble Prospect Town in Longmont, Colorado.
Feeling just amazing, I dash off for a few errands with a rice milk nuttynila latte. I score at Target with some deals getting a bit my Christmas shopping done, filling in random needs like new bike helmets for the kids and a sleeping bag for Jack. Everything I needed just seemed to be there and easy. The pharmacist even took an extra speedy care of me when the phone order was not processed. Then, it was home for a shower and nap. An amazing nap.
The best thing about my new iPad is there is and app called Noghtstand. It is an alarm clock. I have it set of church bells. To rise from a nap to slowly progressing bells is amazing. So I rise, sweep out of the house, do my treatment where the nurses where very effecient and almost sing song pixies from Pixie Hollow today. And then it ws off to Vitamin Cottage.
My parents had the kids for school pick up so I had time. What I found that I am doing is turning off my head language with the words, I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. See, I am struggling in my head with the mechanics of the radiation, steroid, and own personal zen. They are in constant battle. Jane Boyle Taylor, author of a Stroke of Insight, could explain this best. She is neuro-doctor who had a stroke closing down her left hemisphere of her brain at age 37. She experienced what it was to live with only an right side and recover. What a discover. So here I am getting every word she is saying. I can feel my parts changing in my head. I can tell what is my steroid effects on my decisions. And, I know where Sara is. So, as I am driving, I am getting anxious. This is the Decadrone. Sara voice says, I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. And the drug turns off. Pretty simple...right?
I pull into Vitamin Cottage and swift through aisles getting exactly what I need with ease when I bump into a neighbor. She was pondering her calcium purchase with an clerk. I smiled and told her, this is exactly the one I use and am here to pick some up right now. There was a really nice connection as she made her decision and we we chatted for a bit. I enjoyed our timely conversation as it is packed with tidbits for both of us to ponder. Thank you neighbor.
Then it was home to sort out the shopping bustle up the needs of the house and sit for a bit until the family arrived. I basked in the grace of my restorative day. 4:36 pm, my parents arrive with my little sprites and dinner. I am truly blessed for my parents. They tend to their grandchildren in nurturing ways that are full extensions of my own love. They a mentors, guides, and the loves of my life. We dine together and I enjoy the loving bonds they express towards my offspring. As I move into my hardest part of my mental rotation in my day, as the headaches start coming, and the tunnel of my head starts to close, I am able to move through with grace thanks to Mom and Dad's help. I love you.
A lone, the kids bathed, we have time for a game of Blockus in the living room. Both sprites doing exceptionally well, but Mom wins. Books, cuddle, lights out. Time for Mom to pass out too. What a day. A day I needed. A day to restore. A day full of restorative graces.

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