Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Loving Life

I capital L, capital O, capitol V, capitol E, LOVE where I live.  A sweet September day sat at my feet this morning as I roused the kiddos. It is a bit chilly, grab a sweater.  Take off sweater as the temp climbs from 44 to 67.  Look, kids, it is nearly seventy.  The wind is gentle.  They scoot and I walk.  Running now as they ramble on ahead.  Sun.  Happy morning.  School.  Bell rings.  Scoot. Scoot scoot.  Kiss in hand for youngest Chester (if you have kids, you know the book reference here.). Dash off across lawn to eldest to remind her of her homework folder she has forgotten for two days.  She pretends to not hear then spins around, "I've got it Mom.". A bit sassy, don't you think?  Skulks over for a hug.  A quick chat with the Playground Moms and it is off for a run.  New path west of the school.  Running towards the Peaks.  She is majestic, Long's Peak.  She is mother.  Her children play under her ultramarine skirt.  They shimmer in spots of gold.  The aspens.  The air is thick.  A fire in Wyomning.  Geese overhead.  They smell it too.  It is coming early this year.  My bones know.  New path and new tunes in my ears.  Round the loop.  Not long enough.  Loop around, have to walk a bit.  Neck hurting.  I fell off my bike three days ago; face plant, minimal damage, slight whip lash, purple shins. I am alright, just walk now,take earbuds out.  Grasshopers, they are everywhere.  The sound.  The sound smells of autumn.  Sweet...oh, one crashed into my leg.  Ouch that sort of stung.  Bunny, red wing black bird, hear a chickadee, squirrel, he's mad, wave hi to kid in stroller, junior high PE class learning flag football, teacher yelling, tiny girl day dreaming off on the side praying the teacher won't call her in, that was me.  Old path.  Mud swallows.  Grasshoppers everywhere.  Around towards home.  Breeze at back, trees in site.  Leaves changing. Home.
      As I sit on the porch, drinking water, planning my day, I hear the children play.  They are in the school yard not so far away.  Screams of utter joy.  Tag, you are it, I imagine.  Yes, today, I will work on my porch under the shade of the purple ash.  Dim.  The clouds roll in.  Bright, they roll out. Geese.  More geese.  An airplane.  High, it is slowing, jumpers at the airport.  The wind picks up; I'm chilled.  Yes, it is coming.  From the north, I think.
    Before long, too short of a moment, I will trot out to get the kids.  A half mile at most.  We will all go there.  Some on bikes.  Some on feet.  Three with strollers, two waiting for their preschooler, and
one on her son's scooter.  We will fly like the geese to gather our goslings.  Home.  But, not without a chat.  Did you understand yesterday's homework?  How are you feeling today?  Will you help me out on Thursday?  Coffee Friday?   Yah, sounds good.  Great.  See ya.  Okay okay.  I am coming.  Go on ahead, I need another moment.  More geese.  A plane.  Flying high.  Slowing.  Jumpers.  One, two, six.  Hot now.  Breeze picks up.  They promised an Alaskan front.  I can smell it.  Was that a rain drop?  Oh, the change.  Breath it in.  Exhale until empty.  Fill up with loving life.  

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