Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Potluck: whatever is available or comes ones way. (1586-95)

    If you ask my children what words Mom says with frequency, they will tell you: Awesome, way cool, apparently, breath, hold on a sec., its okay,and, of course, no, not now.  Recently, I have realized I have a new word on my list, potluck.  This past several days have been full of potluck.  Saturday, we went to Lyons for their Old Time Days.  I had gotten up early to go for a run while they drooled over their cereal and watched Phenius and Ferb.  Getting distracted with this and that as we headed out the door, we weren't able to get out until ten.  So much  for going to the Farmers Market before hand.   As we arrived in Lyons, at the feet of the foothills, we don't see the festival which is usually downtown.  I get on the phone seeking a map, times, etc on the iPhone.  I was frustrated with slow data  and not finding what I wanted when the kids brought over a dad with his two little girls.  He told us where the festival was and thanked us for reminding him to take his girls.  Win-win, I'd say.  Arriving at Bohn Park, we see nothing but carnival rides.  Where are the crafts and stuff we thought would be there?Bummed, we wonder down to the children's area behind the stage.  Face painting, craft projects, magic show (best I have seen), and hot dogs at noon...all FREE.  Jackpot!  A morning of free fun.  Well, almost.  As the storm clouds loomed, and a few drops were felt, the kids took the ,money I had brought for lunch and rode one ride.  A three dollar trip up and down a little track to which Son exclaims, "that ride wasn't very good.  Now I know and won't worry about going on it during the County Fair."   Score one for mom, no wasting dollars on silly rides in August.  We took it as it came and enjoyed ourselves immensely, potluck. 
      Things continued to ebb and flow through out the weekend.  We missed something then got something different.  Sunday, we missed yoga (surely more of a bummer for Mom)  So we went to the outdoor pool.  It was cool and breezy.  But being so, there was hardly anyone there.  No lines for the slides!  Oh, and great karma at the cashier.  I had thought we had run out of punches for entrance fees last we visited and was prepared to pay cash.  Boom shock-a-locka, we had thirty three punches in our account.  And now had dollars to spend on afternoon snacks from the vending machine.
       Life has been a series of stumbles and jumps, bad luck and awesome karma.  Though we missed things, lost things, argued about things, and plain got frustrated, we were given something in its place that was even better.   We found DVDs for our car trip at the library.  They a due in seven days, three days before Wed return.  Not to fear, we can check them out twice at the first check out and not have to renew, two weeks!  Wish I knew that as I had reluctantly returned my Book Club novel I was not finished with not being able to renew as there was a hold on it.  Bummed, my peer  Book Clubber said she'd lend me her copy to finish.  Potluck!  
       Yesterday, we rode our bikes to Proto's for lunch to celebrate Daughter's reluctantly starting summer school (we also have nothing in our fridge). We bike over after school.  I am hesitate to order as Son is going through a gluten cleanse.  Okay, one meal, I have nothing to serve him at home away. Oh, yeah!  They have a gluten free crust and with no cheeses, toppings are free.  Potluck!  After a delightfully stimulating luncheon on the patio with my two Lovelies, I go to pay the bill.  Where I my twenty I had put in my pocket?!  So embarrassed, I pay the tip with the five I must have grabbed by mistake and promise to call in the payment when I got home.  With grace, I am trusted.  And that felt pretty great.
       Today, I am at my oncologist.  His MA announced she was leaving.  She is one tough cookie.  As she talked about her plans of a new home, new job, and her impending civil union, her excitement was muffled with doubt.  Stress.  Everything changing all at once.  I shared my wisdom of band-aides.  It is better to just rip them off as opposed to pulling them off very slowly yanking on every little, fuzzy hair.  I told her I felt this was an awesome twist in her life that will open up some awesome things.  She started to cry.  My tough cookie who is always stoic crying.  With a few words and a look in her eyes, she told me how much I meant to her life, a passing by, a moment.  For a moment in her life,she received my gifts of inspiration.  Yes, I now know that is why I am still here.  There are just too many hugs and smiles to be shared.  I teased her to not let the nurses see her cry as she walked out of the exam room.  She smiled.  Off for a new adventure at the middle of her life.
       I am no saint.  I get frustrated and cry.  I get mad and cry.  I want to punch a wall.  And, sometimes I want to wring your neck.  Mostly, I want to make you laugh and teach you to find the luck in the potluck of life.  For every mishap, there is a goodness.  You just have to find it.  Many souls do not know how to find those silver linings.  I am happy to show you.  Just give me you patience in my Humanness in return.
       Lesson number one, change all your wording to positive.  Think about what you say to someone, especially young ones.  Did you point out where they failed or did you accent their successes?  Have you said " I noticed you..., thank you" to something they did well?   Did you pay attention and turn off your electronics when they share a story or want to show you a new trick they taught themselves even if it seems "stupid?"  Ask yourself, "Was that comment necessary?"  Maybe it was not.  If it is not positive, maybe it doesn't need to be said.  If it is a judgement, it doesn't need to be said.  If you could help them make improvements, compliment first then say, " Let me show you something I know/learned...."  And, last, when your children are picking on or judging others, simply ask, "Was that necessary?"  Nine times out of ten it is not.  By catching your young ones, you can teach yourself.  Flow out positive and you will be filled in return.  Fill someone's Love Bucket today.  Good karma.

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