Sunday, August 11, 2013

Because of You - the Poem

Because of you I ate rabbit.
Because of you I swallowed a gold fish.
Because of you of you, you, and you,
I have swallowed a snail, ate rattle snake,
Munched on ants, considered scorpion 
and passed.

And you, you made me laugh so hard
Soda sprayed out of my nose,

Because of you I have climbed a Fourteener,
Or two, or three, or seven.
Because of you I am a poor fly fisher
It's not your fault, you tried.
Because of you, you, and you, I have
Kayaked, swam under the ocean, tried surfing, 
Jumped waves, ran from sea foam, and
Built castles in the sky, I mean sand.

Because of you I have water skied, snow skied, 
Snow shoed, cross country skied, ice skated
and sled down the bunny hill.
Because of you I jumped off the high dive.
Because of you I decided not to jump out of a plane.
Because of you I climbed up a rock face
And loved the thrill of the repel.

Because of you I have seen the South West quarter
Of the United States of America, Florida
Tennessee, North Dakota and the Presidents who rock.
Because of you I have been to Guadalajara, Hawaii, 
Costa Rica, the Bahamas, and climbed The Mayan ruins.
Because of you, I hiked the Swiss Alps.
And I have been to Disneyland twice.

Because of you I have tried knitting, needle pointing, quilting,
Sewing Barbie clothes, painting, scrapbooking,
Printing, metal smithing, carving, figure drawing, 
Writing Poetry, memoirs, and blogging,
Choir, drama and jazz with various degrees of success.

Because of you I have thought about Buddha and the Dali Llama
Because of you, I read parts of the Bible and Tao.
And it is all of you who have helped me
Wrap my head around the profound collective conscious
Knowledge of the Source.  

Because of you I have learned much.
Because of you I want to learn more.

Because of you I have been places, 
Sought peace and knowledge,
And spoke the words I heard.

Because of you I am who I am.
And all that I am becoming.

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