Thursday, October 7, 2010

Knowing Too Much

I lay awake.  Eyes closed.  Awake.  I allowed my Vicodin to wear off to just check in with my body and see where it was on the fantasy road of recovery.  I had been feeling pretty good, stiff but good, exhausted but good.  I needed to know if the narcotic was masking pain or creating exhaustion.  So I let it wear off.
   And, I lay here with stabbing pain in my belly.  I take another Vicodin so I can sleep in peace.  My mind races.  Knowing too much.  My mom said that a couple of people told her lately that they were sad for me because I have to know so much for my age. 
   The thirties.  I set out in my thirties thinking it would be pretty terrific.  I had suffered a date rape and two miscarriages in my twenties so the thirties were going to be fabulous.  I had two healthy babies, a family, a home, and a promising art career.  My body had a good decade before it was scheduled to start aching and falling apart.  Or, so I thought.
   And here I am contemplating all that I know about narcotic medications and how to effectively use them to balance pain control without the risk of addiction and side effects.  I take a bite of banana and sip of water to avoid nausea.  I have dealt with a mild pain sensation that, sure, would not exist if I upped my dose or took the Percasat or even the Oxycontin.  Alas, I know that the stronger opiates make my mind crazy and tummy do somersaults  if the pain is not severe enough.  I know that the Oxycontin and morphine are effective pain killers for extreme situations.  But, once the pain receptors begin to calm a bit, they start attacking the brain or something, and I begin to trip.  I remember when the pain started to reduce with my mastectomy.  I woke in the middle of the night with this horrible dream so bad that I won't detail its graphics other then it had to do with millions of flies.  My mother called the on-call nurse who told her it was time to step down to the next, lesser, rung of pain medicine.
   This surgery, I left the hospital with this knowledge but not because I was instructed by the nurses of this procedure.  No, I didn't even have a prescription.  I had told them I had left over pain pills and would like to use those first.  But, I mused for a moment to the fact that I knew too much.  What if I didn't know anything about pain control?  What if I was up all night with a stabbing pain, no three stabbing pains, and no idea how to soften the blow to get some sleep and heal?  Or what if quite the other side, and I took too much or too strong a medicine and started to freak out?
  Really?  Is this what a thirty-five year old is supposed to be up at night worrying about?  I know too much.  Maybe other thirty-somethings know too much.  But, why is it that way?  Didn't I earn a break, a time of my life?  Maybe that is yet to come.  Maybe I will have the freedom of forty.  Because, heck, my body has already fallen apart.  Thinking I should schedule to have my tonsils out, ovaries removed, there another useless organ I can dispose of before I am forty?  Then maybe I can walk around in a bikini with all my scars and show off my wonderfully still alive forty year old body.

PS  I can tell you all kinds of things about how the reproductive system works, temperatures, when to conceive, and how I can have a pretty good idea if you are carrying a boy or a girl by how high your belly is on your frame.  Maybe I need to go into the medical field; a midwife, maybe.  Now, if you know me at all you would be chuckling and thinking: well, dear, I guess that Vicodin you took ten minutes ago is starting to work.

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