Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I got a call today.  I didn't know this woman.  She had seen my work at Cafe Luna and "just had to call."  It was a bit of an interesting conversation.  She apparently reads Mayan calendars.  She said that today was a day of earth connections, and then she walked into Cafe Luna and there were all my mountain paintings.  She went on and on about how surprised she was at how young I am.  She said she assumed in the depth of my work that I was more "wise in my years" then I am.  Mainly, I think she was referring to my latest peice...sorry, I forgot what I titled it.  Earlier, I had received an inpromptu critique of the piece.  The critic talked about the faces that make up the mountains.  She discussed how they felt trapped yet seeking.  Like a journey.  Yes, my pieces, when I just let them be, are my insides on a canvas.  It is fun to hear what others say about your work.  My son says there is a firgure in the piece and there are two suns.  My daughter says there are only three moons.  Mom says she sees a fiure too.  What do you think?  What I think is that I need to write it all down starting with Luna Nina painted in 1997.  Oh, and I will let you know what my Mayan birth order says if I meet up with Karen for coffee later this month.

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