Saturday, November 6, 2010

Girls' Night Out

I just had the best night out with my favorite girl.  She is not quite four feet tall and can read Biscuit Makes a New Friend.  Her eyes are bright and can flash you a smile with just a mire thought of joy.  Her hair is a mess from dawn to dusk, and she still spills crumbs all over the floor when she eats even though she is six.  Yes, my beautiful, and I don't mean just on the outside, my beautiful little girl and I went out to dinner.  We took a friend of hers.  A friend who is roughly six months older and has known my girl for exactly six years and six months of her life.  Yes, we had a blast. 
   We took Little Brother to a birthday party where he enjoyed his own brand of fun tumbling around with his bros.  Then we went to a pizza place on Main and decided on exactly the same toppings: mushrooms, olives and ham.  This pizza parlour has games so the girls giggled over Connect Four.  Then I taught them Jenga.  Neither had played before and just loved it!  Of course some of that may be due to a mother who over exaggerates the effort of pushing just the right block out of its spot and just barely not knocking the tower over as I gingerly place the piece on top. 
   Yes, I think I am going to enjoy my gal as she creeps up slowly in her years.  She may be a little sassy these days and not wanting to get dressed to go to school morning after morning, but she sure can light up a room and make me giggle.  I love you my little jewel.

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