Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lessons in Meditation

Went to yoga.  Reaped great rewards in body and mind.  Ms. yogi talked about practice.  I thought about practice.  All that is important is practice.  A practice is a living organism in which you move in and out like a breath.  A moment of ease and continuity and a moment of struggle dance in the realm of the practice. 
    I recall a swim meet my junior year of high school.  It must have been November as it was the air was filled with chill.  On hundred meters freestyle, not my best race (No, that would be the 100m breast stroke and 50m fly,last leg of my IM relay team)  I still remember the dive, glide, the continuity between my body and the water.  It was like I was flying just and inch above the water.  I don't recall the time and I know I didn't place any better then maybe third in any race.  But, I recall that feeling.  Practice.  A moving in and out of easy and struggle like a breath.
   Yogi talked about flexibility building strength.  Yet, when the strength was built, in practice, one had to put to mind to relax to move back into flexibility.  In turn moving into flexibility created more strength.  Strength becomes inflexible.  So you have to put into to mind to move into to the feasible.  This thought cycled in its abstracted through out the entire 30 minutes of hip-openers.  In and out.  Push and release.  Build and knock it down to build it again, only better,
  Savasana.  Ah.  The room slipped away like the water of my youth.  I saw a cloudy sky, dark, silvery.  It opened and a hand reached through in a light and pulled.  It pulled out all my insides that were rotten.  The hands rinsed me.  It started in my belly and moved to my chest.  My chest felt like it was burning yet hollow.  Into the throat and seeped out my eyes.  Tears, cold, slipped quietly down into my ears.  Then it changed.  The hands wanted me to come with them.  No, I said.  I a not ready.  There is much to do before I die.  So I sent my innards swirling in a cloud to the light between the silver clouds.  Take it, take it all, for, I am well.  Rinsed. I sigh and wiggle my toes.  Amen and namasta.

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