Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Although exhasted after only three nights, life is angelrific as a backstage mom.  Julia is an angel in all three performances of the Nutcracker with Longmont Dance Theater.  We completed a two hour practice this evening.  I am exhausted.  As a backstage mom, three other ladies and myself are in charge of entertaining, calming, taking to the bathroom, fixing hair, taking to the bathroom, dressing, entertaining, lining up, calming, walking, keeping quiet, handing out candles, preparing, focussing, and releasing 12 angels onto stage.  I have stage right for the 7 pm show on Saturday.  I had no idea how much these little ladies steal the show.  Can we say I am pretty proud of all these gals as they pranced out with "slow tippy toe steps" to hit all their marks in the dark with bright spots, costumes, and all the other dancers fumbling around them.  I will be attending the first show in the audience with the grandparents.  But, the other moms asked if I would please help them backstage as the former preschool teacher.  Well, no.  But, what I will do is teach you to constantly count heads, set up a routine, make the worst behaved angel (I know they are all perfect angels...not) the leader, and how to play simple word games (they can not sit down, eat, or go potty once the costume is pinned on.)  My feet are killing me and I can't believe I am still awake watching The Tonight Show.  I told all the little girls to request a nap afterschool tomorrow right before I instructed the parents how to glue their daughter's hair down into a performance bun for four nights in a row startng with dress rehersal tomorrow.  I have been told we were brave to take on this role.  Another friend asked me why would I do it and shouldn't I be home resting or something.  Well, it is all angelrific to see the glimmer in your daughter's eye when the Sugar Plum Fairy spins in front of her and listen to her recount each moment in her third night of rehersal week.  I rubbed her legs and feet as I listened.  She owes me $50.
PS  The toothfairy best get up there and collect some little girls' third tooth.

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