Friday, December 24, 2010

Lessons on E.G.O.

  When I was a kid, just like every other kid, I dealt with teasing from the other girls.  I  created inner dialogue in defense.  "They are just jealous," I claimed.  As I got older and the offenses escalated to egging my house every weekend of my senior year of high school by girls I had once called my best friends, I scrubbed the garage door at mid-night and said, "They are just jealous.  I will be going away this fall to school, and I am doing exactly what I need to be doing for me."
  I grew up, graduated and became an art teacher at a high school.  Girls would troop into my office after school crying.  Tears of disbelief that their so called friends had done some unseen damage to their ego.  Mean girls, they are just jealous.  I would tell these young ladies my own story.  I told them how I left for school in the fall and realized that they just must be jealous that it was pretty easy for me to do my work, be successful in grades and art, and then leave them behind to become an adult.  I told them, whether it was true or not, that, "They were just jealous."
  This is ego.  Ego is a funny little thing in our Human lives.  Ego is the little voice in our head that tells us that we are better then someone.  Ego is the voice that even identifies how sorry you are for the bum on the street corner looking for a hand out, or pity.  Ego tells you also that you are doing something wrong, not with the norm.  It is the voice when you are beating yourself up for a perceived failure.  Your ego is busted when you loose a job or someone breaks your heart by rejecting you.  Ego is the voice that keeps you from trying new things in fear you might fail.  Ego is the voice when you are on your yoga mat and you stop breathing because your hip just locked up in a shooting pain and it had never done that before.  Or maybe it tells you that you are angry at your child for not getting his shoes tied fast enough so you are always late for school. 
   The New Age spiritual explorers Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dewyer both discuss ego in depth in their lectures and writings.  One or both, have explained ego as E.G.O. or Edging God Out.  Ego is our Human of our Being.  God is our Being of our Human.  Are you following?  By listening to our our ego language we are not listening to our soul, or our God inside of us.  However, it is having our ego that makes us not God.  It makes us Human.  In the understanding of the role of ego in your life, you can therefore become closer to a Being, closer to the God in all of us, closer to the peace of enlightenment.
  So what is the role that ego plays when one's Human form is failing this world, is dying.  How do you deal with your Human versus Being, no Human and your Being, when you have realized that you just may have to leave this Human form sooner then you planned?  Well, you find your Being and become okay with that.  You find the peace in the present moment and the awe in the sensations that occur just now as I am.  I am.  I am.  That is it.  I am here right now writing and that is an amazing thing.
   Yet, ego.  What role does my ego play that is almost more profoundly an ah ha moment then finding the inner peace of Being in my soul?  My ego, if not edging out God in making myself separate from my Being and the collective conscious of souls is what tells me to stay here.  To stay here in this Earth just a little longer in my Human form.  I jest and joke about how "freakin' awesome I am.  I make these claims, I lie using my ego not to edge God out but to cling to my Human form.  I am not bringing anyone else down with my ego disclaimers rather I am bringing myself up.  I use my ego to drive hard to keep my Human form simply because I am not ready to be just a Being.  Not just yet.
  So yes, girls, when someone is picking on you and using their egos against you, they are edging out God.  It is okay to brush it off and say, "They are just jealous."  Because in doing so, you are letting go of the effects an other's ego has placed upon you by using your own Human ego as a defense for your Being.  Ego can be a powerful tool if used correctly for yourself as a Human to keep yourself being a freakin' awesome Human Being for a little longer here on on Earth.  Namaste. Amen.

PS  Thanks for listening to my super awesomeness.  Wink.  Merry Christmas.

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