Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 74

The last several days have been about work.  We have been having fun all summer with lots of trips, swimming, and play dates.  This pst week included a sleep over of  two of Daughter' s closest friends and a little brother.  After a big afternoon at the Boulder County Fair horse show, the kids came over ready in PJs for a movie, Mirror Mirror.  Since we all had junk food and a lot of sugar for dinner at the fair, I made smoothies of avacado, spinach, pineapple, mixed berries, bananas and orange juice.  It was a nice evening.  The little brother went home and the the girls went to bed fairly easily...surprise.  The best part of it all is sneaking downstairs after hearing their whispers and startling them with a BOO! In the morning like my parents used to do.
      Thursday, we took one of the friends to the Bay.  I
T is a city pool with five water slides.  It is a lot of fun for this age of kid.  This w a blast for the kids to have a friend along.  This summer is the first for Son to go on the slides.  He is pretty proud of himself.  We snuck home in the afternoon rains leaving just before the crowds.   In the evening, I went to yoga with a friend.  Afterwards, we had a little chat in the diner next door.  What a pleasant day.
      The following dat, Friday, was a work day of sorts.  I working housekeeping chores and then started the studio.  We are having a grage sale soon and I needed to go through my messy room.  I haven't been able to get in there to work on art or pick it up this summer.  To give the kids a break, we went to get our hair cut.  My first official cut since Nember 2011.  It needed to be cleaned up.  It is only about one and half inches long and had little spikey areas that struck out in the back.  Its grey. I hate it.  Anyway, the kids did pretty well in the afternoon working on projects while I sorted fabric.
      Sturday was a bit the same as I really wanted to get the studio cleaned up so I had room to work once school started.  And Sunday was spent running to the grocery store, getting ready for house guests, packing my own things for a trip to see my grandparents and sister, and straightening the studio.  I tried to get the kids to go outside to play several times.  But, they won't, not even when I was out there pulling weeds and trimming bushes.  I think they are crazy because there is no way my mom could get me inside during the summer when I was their age.  I called her up to comfirm this, and she said yes, she had to make me come in when the Texas heat it one hundred.
      The afternoon break on Sunday was yoga.  The studio has a kids class and an adult class at the same time on Sunday.  We then went to the fair for the last afternoon.  Husband met us there and we went on a $16 ferris wheel ride.  Yep, $4 a piece.  Well, at least the carosel operator let Son and Me on for free when I told him I only had money for Daughter to go.  After an hour in the heat looking at the fair animals, we went to the ice cream shop to cool down.  The evening was spent finishing housekeeping tasks, like changing sheets, while the st of the family fanned themselves on the couch watching Princess Diaries.  I know, real exciting lives the real housewifes of Bould County lead.
      Tomorrow, I will have an infusion of my cancer stopping drug Herceptin.  The kids will go to a friend's to play.  Later, my mother-in-law will arrive with her husband.  They will stay the week.  I will miss them for the most part with my own trip to the sweltering heat of Kansas City.  Oh, but the plans the have for the kids during their last week of summer vacation!

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