Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Fridge Magnet

To the Midnight Housewife - Do people clean their refrigerators on a regular basis? If so what is the definition of a regular basis? Or do people just keep their refrigerators clean?  JK

Dear JK- As a complete authority on refrigerator cleanliness, I will say no, no, and maybe.  From my extensive field research, I found that "people" don't clean their fridges on a regular basis.  Furthermore, their fridges are general packed and in full disarray.  (Yes, I looked, dear friend.  You know who you are.)  However, it is my belief that the general public does periodically clean their fridge space based on one of these three catalyses:  1. they came home from the grocery store and couldn't jam one more item into the space, 2. something came flying out when they opened the door and smashed their pinkie toe, and 3. it smells like something died in there.
   That said, there is a small enclave of cleaning nerds who do cleaning their fridges on a regular basis.  In fact, I just cleaned out mine last week before I went grocery shopping.  My catalyse for this adventure being simply a lettuce leaf stuck below the clear plastic veggie drawer.  So, of course, if I am going to pull out one drawer, I should pull out the next, wipe off the shelves, toss a few expired items which in turn created a need for said grocery trip.
   My cleaning routine is based upon the one my mother used growing up.  It seems we cleaned the fridge about every three to six months.  Mainly, we wiped out goop and the veggie drawers were washed.  I also shop like my mother and it is common to find my fridge nearly empty.  I buy only what is needed and organize most my items in the door shelves.  If I can't fit one more bottle of salad dressing on the condiment shelf, then I don't need to be opening that one more bottle of dressing until another already opened one is used and tossed out.  I also tend to not have many left overs as I cook only what is consumed.  I know this is not the method of most families and adds to more time in the kitchen.  However, it keeps my family from wasting food as we don't really like to eat left over anything.  We are just weird that way.
   I would suggest a regular cleaning of your refrigerator.  Start with an over haul.  Take everything out, wash down and clean the drawers.  I would highly recommend listening to Beach Boys during this task.  Also, ask you children to help clean the door shelves.  And, don't forget to surprise them with a quick spray from the sink hose while you are rinsing the drawers.  Next, sort your items on the counter by use.  Move your shelves and drawers to function for the type of item you use most.  For example, I have had our fridge with taller juice bottles on the top shelves.  Know that we are not using cow's milk and only have one bottle of juice and one carton of rice milk, we use the door for these items.  Put green, healthy items towards the top where you see them first.  And, put your flours and hardly consumed items on the bottom.  Right now, I have a thin shelf at the top just the height for a loaf of bread and those boxes of lettuce leaves or berries.  It works great.  Make one shelf towards the top for Tupperware items like left overs so you aren't digging around.  And most importantly, as you put things back in the fridge, read the labels.  Toss out expired, leaking, or items with corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.  
  Now you fridge is all organized so it is both easily accessible and healthy, you can now periodically clean out your fridge in just a couple of minutes.  Your fridge runs best when it is medium full.  That means you have items on all your organized, designated shelves, but that you aren't stuffing stuff in the very back in every little corner.  In the long run you save money on efficiency and reduce the amount of food you toss because you forgot it was in there.  Besides, let's save our poor pinkie toes from that jelly that is primed to fall out as we speak...you know of whom I speak.  The moral of the story is that taking quality time to do a stellar cleaning over haul sets the foundation for periodic easy cleaning in minutes. Enjoy your clean fridge and fresh food, JK. 
   PS  Listening to the Beach Boys really is essential to getting the job done well...I think.


  1. Thanks MHW! I feel better already! I go through phases of nearly empty clean refrigerator to I can't fit one more thing in here and it all gross. I too take my lead from my Mother. The only problem is that there was 11 in our family growing up so tend to cook as if they all moved to CO with us. Leftovers are huge. I have gotten very crafty with pushing said leftovers off on my family, wether they like it or not. I even figured out a way to put them in Nate's lunch thanks to a good ole Thermos bottle. That being said I have concluded my major cleaning, but I was unaware at the time that the Beach Boys needed to be included. I am now the wiser!

  2. Are you talking about my fridge!?!;)
