Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Faith in Star Wars

  As I am cleaning up the dinner dishes, my children run off to play.  I hear my son say to my daughter, "There is no one invincible in Star Wars, not even Yoda."  I am washing half consumed penne pasta noodles down the drain, turn on the garbage disposal and contemplate this insight from my little Jedi.
   There is no one invisible in Star Wars. 
   "Cancer just down-right sucks.  But, occasionally facing the “dark side,” as I like to call it – yes, I am prone to Star Wars analogies myself – has its value.  When you can identify and name that which is the least desired event, it provides the mental weaponry to focus against it and work for health and enjoyment of everyday.  After all – none of us truly know what is about to happen," states Dr. Ginger* in her pep talk after a major reality check that my life will continue to play out on the battle field of cancer.
  Everyone has a Star Wars.  Some wars are visible.  Some are silent.  Some are galactic.  Others are civil.  With all wars, we have to envision the big picture of reality.  We identify and name the worse outcome.  And with this knowledge, we are not blind.  We can take that wisdom and spit at our foe right in the face.  There is a fine line between being overcome in our wars and believing in the ultimate victory.  With stage IV cancer, the line is very fine indeed.
  I have had several conversations lately about war.  One friend battles to get his bipolar brain to think straight so he can feel normal, be normal, and be a father.  Another continues to fight silently to gain acceptance with her parents and family as she faces one of the biggest decisions in her life.  And, yet another fights cancer and is told the future isn't long.  With each circumstance, there is another, someone else offering a road block, a wall.  Someone actually asked if I would make a bet on when one of these friends would fail in their quest to conquer life as they know it.  A bet.  Absolutely not.  Why would I loose faith before the person even steps foot on the battle field? 
  Faith.  As those around us fight their battles, we only have one thing to offer, faith.  By believing in the victorious outcome of the quest either in silent prayer or vocalized in support, the war can be waged.  Faith, is ours to give.  And, it is free.  Do you remember Mr. Black Cloud in the infusion room at the cancer center?  He was loosing faith, and rightfully so as he body began to weaken and tumors began to blossom.  Though I had to guard my own mental state and avoid this man during chemo therapy, when I was strong, when I knew I could handle his burden, I offered him faith.  And, you know what?  He reflected my gift and rejoined his church to find a community again.  He stopped pushing away his grown son and wife and they now all dine together as a family again once a week.  Yes, his condition improved.  He is hanging in there.  Yes, his body may eventually poop out, but for now, he found peace in his war.
   Everyone has a Star Wars.  Some big and some small.  Knowledge of our enemy provides us with the necessary weaponry to give it our all.  Once we loose faith in our victory, we begin to loose the war.  Yet, especially with the big wars like physical or mental illness, we need some soldiers on our side.  We need you to have faith in us.  We need you to share your faith in the victory.  Yes, there is no one invincible in Star Wars.  But, it is FAITH, young Jedi, that pulls us through to defend ourselves from the Dark Side.  Don't loose faith in your brethren.  Rather, lift him up with faith.

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