Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jackpot GI

Phew, we hit the jackpot with this new GI doc. She is awesome. She is so awesome that I started to cry because I felt heard.  Heard.  Listened to. Understood.  Not crazy.  She said all the things I have been saying and has simply bounced back to me like a racket ball for the past three years.  I love my son so much and may finally find some answers.  For today, he is on a strict lactose free diet.  I don't think this is the "cure" as he has been mostly dairy free for three years.  True, when he has a cookie here and there, he may have issues, but this is all of the equation just yet.  Since we have awesome health insurance (thanks to me for having an awesome disease needing awesome insurance for the whole family and Scott figuring it out), we should be getting full coverage on a huge panel of tests on his blood.  My little guy was so brave during his blood draw.  He held me like a little monkey and breathed deep yoga breaths.  See, my rieki dream of him being a yogi and life couch just may be true.  Of course, he will have a rockin' shack on the coast of New Zealand so he can surf, and I will never get to see my baby...but alas, happy.  Back to the GI issue.  We will return in two months after Dr. N. has been able to look at his colonoscopy and lapriscopy slides from 2007, and the test results.  At that time we may need to rescope, may go to this pediatric food allergist she is totally jazzed about, or may luck out and find the lactose is the only issue.  So hopefully he will also begin to grow as he is starting to notice that even the three year olds are getting taller then him.Oh, I am instructed to start night-training him again.  Please pray that the food/GI issue is the cause, and it will work itself out without too many midnight sheet washings.  Just feels great to validated as a parent.  She said, "Yes, he is well and can live just fine.  But, he can have such a better life with some answers."  YES!  This is what I have been saying all along. 

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