Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Blah Blah Blah and Then there was Day 62

Last week was a typical summer week full of staying inside to escape the heat, doctor appointments, sneaking in yoga while the kids are at their aunt and uncle's over night, and general errand running and housekeeping mixed with play dates and park time. 

The weekend was spent in Red Feather Lakes at Dowdy Lake with the Cronins.  It was hard for me to see the burn line from the High Park Fire as we drove in on Hwy 72.  There is a distinct edge of the fire.  It is so close to several homes and ranches we have seen along the way each time we drive up to my parent's cabin.  At any rate, the weekend was fun with the kids and our friends.  The men and the little men spent much of the day fishing and floating on the boat.  It looked like it might sink when they added Sweet daughter to the crew.  We ladies enjoyed the three mile walk around the lake and time for reading in the shade.  My dad also brought his kayak on Saturday, and we took a tour of the glacial rock formations in the middle of the lake.  Though there was a little drizzle off and on through Saturday's dinner, the weather was perfect.

This week, the kids have a Super Soaker day camp in the afternoons.  They are having such a great time that they both fell asleep on the short car ride home today, and it is only Tuesday!  By Friday, they might not make it from the car to the pool.  I have enjoyed a little time chatting with a good friend I have missed seeing, getting my massage therapy for my arm...much needed, and organizing for a garage sale.  Yes, I am strange and enjoy organizing.

Right at this moment, it is raining.  Lightening.  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi.  the thunder clashes.  I hear one of the children groan.  Will they wake?  I think I will go sit on the porch for a spell.  A sip of peace.  of

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