Thursday, July 5, 2012

This is the Sweet Life

So in light of the Fourth of July and certain events in the goverment, my mom has me thinking about politics and governing. I know, weird, right? So on one hand there is the thumping of socialist republic. The cancer community is excited for the decission on health care because one could get coverage even when they have pre-exsisting conditions like metastatic cancer. But then, there is the socialist care of Cananda. Canadanas already travel the borders to American to get cancer drugs like I am on. If we have the same system, I would have to fly to Germany waith all the Canadians. Anyway, some thoughts brewing. ....Our Fourth was great. I felt like I had a lot of energy and eally enjoyed seeing the ol' gang and family. We were up at my inlaw's cabin in Allenspark. Horse shoes, volleyball, and good food. I ran the horse shoe tournament. Social director is a role I enjoy. They kids had some buddies and climbed throguh the woods and requeested Sprites. I think we all had a good time. No fireworks our scorched Front Range. But, good news, the High Point fire is 100% contained!! ....The Sweet Life. A blog I follow was discussing the sweet life. She has metastatic, rare cancer. When she is feeling down, she looks in the mirror and repeats, "I have the sweet life.". Over and over. Hey, it works. Maybe it is just a way to rationalize the black cloud of an early expiration date, but I guess it is my calling to be the survivor I am. Seeing old friends I have known for eighteen years, I found myself humbled as they went on and on about how amazing I am. What did I do? Run towards life the best I can is all I do. I choose life. I chose to make the big things little so I can leap frog over them. I run and practice yoga for body and mind. And most inportantly, I give. i give and give and want to give more. The Dahli Lama instructs over and over in different ways(we are Facebook friends, you know) that what you give out flows back to you. You can't request it, pay for it, nor expect it. Just do it, give it. Give all of you. My calling is to encourage oothers though my living. And it flows back. ....hey, sometimes it comes in simple ways. This morning, I had a bunch of worries that kept me up all night. We are leaving for a week with no internet nor cell. Way cool. But, I had paintings do to the Muse Gallery next week, an art show application due and a guitar string broken yesterday. I was able to get into the gallery ear Y this morning. Then, I swung by the guitar shop. Larry was there and hour before opening. He totally rocks as he showed me how to restring the guitar, tune it, and learn cords A, E, and D to play just about anything. You know, I do my best to take care of people, even strangers. I smile at the frustrated mommy in the store. I hold the door for just about everyone. I hug my friends. I listen. And it flows back. The world cares for me if I let it. Even if it is humbling to hear all the compliments. It is may payment for my service here. And a few last notes as I will be away from my keypad for a week, Steam Punk. Look it up. It is a current art movement my mom and I have been researching. Very interesting. Think Sherlock Holmes, the Capitol in the Hunger Games, and all those cool upcycle jewelry piece you see at the art show that use gears. It is a little British Victorian breed with goth. And it may explain the bofant hairdos those youngins wear these days. Oh, and I am a Neosurrealist artist. Look it up. I will explain later.

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