Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 35-41. Just about enough

So aparently it takes about half the summer to start going insane. Yes, I know I have the sweetest kids on the block. That is, they are so darn cute and sweet to you unless you are their mother. These past few days I have had to fall into the parenting role I detest of commander in charge. Time out...for the both of you. Oh, that toy is in toy jail since you can't seem to share it. Don't talk to me that way. Check your attitude at the door. Go back out and try that again. Oh my gosh, everyone be quiet, I am trying to drive. And on and on. Time out, lost dinners, toys in jail, seperate...oh sigh. .........In amoungst the argueing and disrespectful behavior there has been quite a few giggles. Thursday, I can't remember, it was such a long week with treatment and the ear thing. Friday we went hiking around Lily Lake with friends. I quite enjoyed myself inspite of the whining and complaining. We stopped for lunh with my Father-in-law, and then and afternoon of packing for our trip. Saturday was a big day of biking and tubing along Boulder Creek. I, of course couldn't participate in the tubing due to my ear. The kids had a great time with their dad though. Sunday was church and then I snuck out of the house to meet a friend in Golden for lunch. That was a great way to spend the afternoon. We went to the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum and had a personal tour that was quite educational and interesting. Monday was a work day for me. Grocery shopping, packing, and sorting out stuff in the house. Kids were pretty grumpy and I wished I had two girls or two boys so they would play together better. But, eventually, they pulled out some games and calmed down. In the evening, we went to my folks to celebrate my dad's birthday. Yeah! And Tuesday we all went to Madagscar 3 and On the Border for lunch. Well, that is about it. Nothing too exciting. But, I promised myself I would write about every day of my summer. So here it is. Nearly half way through and tired of hearing the kids yell at each other. Maybe there will be something enlighting tomorrow on the Fourth of July.


  1. I feel the same way!!! My kids have been fighting non-stop and they have not been playing very well together. I am tired of hearing myself get onto them:)

    1. It is all about teaching them to appriciate each other for the individuals they are, right? In theory. In practice, it is exhausting.
