Sunday, January 9, 2011


    Today was just a normal housewife type of day.  I shuttled around bouncing between scrubbing toilets, helping Julia on her first ever school research poster project, dusting the living room, making a Superman cape for an action figure for Jack, sweeping and mopping the down stairs floors, starting Julia on a sewing project, making lunch, eating lunch, cleaning up lunch, wonder if I should go out to a yoga class today in the icy snow or finish cleaning the house, cleaning another bathroom, stopping a sibling fight, sending them to time out, dusting the upstairs, admiring the kids as they play Polly Pocket and the Pirates, changing out the fourth load of laundry, putting new sheets on the bed, vacumming the upstairs floora, day dreaming about a really yummy dinner, helping Jack redo his ZhuZhu pet home, wondering why there is string tight throughout the house...throughout...around the banisters and all the way up the stairs, shovelling the drive and the side walk all the way down the block in front of all the houses for sale so walking to school isn't such a pain tomorrow morning, lending out a step stool to the neighbor, paying Jack $1 for helping shovel and cleaning the bathrooms, explaining to Julia why she only earned a quarter for her efforts, and finally starting yummy dinner.  What was dinner?  Whole wheat fusilli pasta with roasted pine nuts and garlic with asparagus, basil, tomato in olive oil topped with Havarti cheese all piled on a huge pile of baby spinach...yummy! 
   Yes, it was a normal Sunday for a stay-at-home mom of two as it snowed the most gentle Colorado beauty of white outside.  Pure bliss.  Pure bliss in the shadow that I might not have had this day.  Yes, I thought I would die a couple of weeks ago.  Yes, I worry each moment that is will be my last to do this or that.  And yes, I have a bit of a cough today.  No, I don't think I may be getting a cold or maybe allergic to the mold or dust I kicked up in my cleaning frenzy.  No, I think, "I have a metastasis to my lung making me cough."   Yes, I went in to the eye doctor thinking I was getting older and just needed glasses and ended up with a shadow I can't seem to get out from under.  Today was a good day because I had grapefruit for dessert*.

  *I can't eat grapefruit once I start the Tykerb tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I like that Jack earned a dollar and Julia a quarter...sounds exactly like my girls except opposite-Olivia like to work hard, while Ella not so much:)
