Thursday, January 20, 2011

Piss and Salt

I have to say sorry that my last entry was full of piss and salt.  I really had a great day today.  Sure, I was still late to school drop off by five minutes, but no one did cry in the car on the ride over.  Daughter, who has been full of tears when she leaves my side in the morning, did not cry at her drop off at our second school.  Rather, she went in to her classroom smiling.  Then, I went on home to workout on the elliptical in the basement deciding it was still too cold for my asthmatic lungs to function for an outdoor run.  But, I watched which was pretty funny and not too much of a waste of mind madder.  Then, I went to meet Husband for a spot of coffee and off to pick up Son.  I was early.  I did get on the phone and began the journey of working through the insurance issue with the Tykerb.  This was not my high light of my day nor was the two hours over four other phone calls to the pharmacy and the insurance company.  Alas, it does feel good to finally think I have it all figured out.  Just pray that RMCC gets their bill processed for the January 7 date of service in the next couple of days so that we meet our deductible through them, can set up a payment plan, and then the Tykerb (nearly $3,000) is covered under our plan.  After picking up Son, it was off the Daughter's school for a lunch date in the cafeteria.  I really do enjoy sitting with those first graders.  They are quite silly, and I pray they never loose that light.  Returning home, Son was being a little naughty but then admitted he felt tired.  The wind was picking up and clouding our beautifully sunny day by this time.  He was scared as his second story windows do rattle quite loudly.  I know this because his room used to be my art studio.  However, they do profile a beautiful view of the mountains with the storm brewing above them.  We fell asleep for about an hour and woke to snow.  The afternoon was unremarkable as I made those calls and waited on hold with the insurance company.  The walk to school in the soft snow was lovely and timely.  Son is quite entertaining in his bemusement of nature.  Daughter was all smiles, usually it is tears, as she comes out of her classroom.  She asks to have a friend over.  So we dash home with friend in tow.  Well, it was more of a meander with three little voices and my toes beginning to get a bit nippy inside my boots.  It was joyful to hear the play of children upstairs.  Oh the giggles of the girls!  I cook dinner, talk on the phone some more, clear up the issue, finally, and serve to three hungry hippos that actually sat for about ten minutes at the table waiting to be served.  I guess they were hungry.  Their little bodies popped up and down and giggled and squawked to my amusement through out dinner.  Then they dashed upstairs for the "last fifteen minutes" of time together.  By the time Friend's Dad drove up his chariot, my two were ready with their coats on, boots, on and sleeping dolls in hand to head home with Friend's Dad.  Needless to say the parting was bitter sweet, but we were able to scurry our kittens up to start the bedtime routine.  PJs, teeth brushing, face washing, and two books.  Then it is Dad's turn to tuck them in as I dash off with my neighbor for a round of Bunco with other neighborhood gals.  It was a fun night of chatting, and I won five dollars.  We also closed with a white elephant gift exchange.  I unwrapped a beautiful turquoise bracelet and felt pretty lucky.  Yes, today was a good day.  There might be a few ghosts I need to get out on my head, but they are gone now.  Lemon water and dark chocolate.

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