Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday

Being as it is two minutes past midnight, my birthday is over. I spent my birthday weekend woth my mom. My dad watched the kids on Thursday night so that we, my mom and I, could go up to their cabin in Northern Colorado. It was nice uo there though we weren't too sure as we arrived in sleet. But, cool weather only makes the fire warmer and hot tea spicier. We sewed all day Friday and walk breaks around the circle. In the evening, my friend from CSU, came up. Saturday, we all three quilted and chatted. Naps and a two mile walk peppered our day. The crocuses are popping up and the deer where grazing on new buds. Sunday, my birhtday and Earth Day, we slept in, sewed a little more, and then had lunch at the Back Porch in Ft. Collins, yum. After lunch, Mom and I attended the retirement party for Dave Yust. I had dave for a couple painting classes at CSU. Through out the years, we kept in touch through the Colorado Art Education Association and attending each other's art openings. I am pretty honored that he has attended so many of mine. Seeing all the art profs, brought back a lot of memories. On the ride home, I thought about all those who influenced me most outside of my family. Teachers. All are my teachers. Thank you.
I also felt a little odd inside about this birthday. It has been tainted three years ago. Five days after my 34th birthday, I had my first surgery in my life, a billateral matectomy. I threw a birthday party, all my friends and family came. We had a boob cake. Well, two boons. One was accidently bigger then the other. But, that was okay because that is exactly what they looked like before they were hacked off.
At any rate, the year following, i threw another party to celebrate my remission. I was done woth cancer and wanted everyone to celebrate with me. The next year, I celebrated again with my secomd stamp of remission from the oncologist after cancer slipped into my brain. Well, so we thought. So here I am, just three years later, celebrating another birthday. But, it is tainted with facts from the past.
Yes, I know, look forward. Yet, it is hard to do. I am exstatic to be celebrating another birthday. Yet, it is hard because my birthday has become a marker of what I can not control. I only hope that I continue to have so many birthdays that the memory of the boob party fades away to a silly little story grandma retells about how she preformed the surgery on a cake after eating the maschito cherries, two of them.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I cried a little today, I mean yesterday. And, knowing so many people wish me a happy birthday knowing it marks one more year that I survived this battle makes me feel all that more strong.

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