Thursday, June 28, 2012

What Great Teeth You Have

Something quite unexpected happened this morning. I checked into the day surgerey center amd then was escorted back where I dressed in my gown, peed in the cup (I told you I wasn't pregnant), and shuffled out of the bathroom. The nurse took my belongings back and ushered me around to the first stall. I froze. A wall of emotion welled up in my throwt. I felt sick. Tears brimmed my lashes. This bed was the bed I sat on ten years ago bleeding with a miscarriage. It was my twelfth week. They baby died at eight weeks. I hadn't miscarried so we scheduled an DNC. But, just as I laid down on the hospital bed, the miscarriage started. Today, it all came back. A memory forgot amd put in the vault. The nurse gwve me a tissue witha puzzled look on her face at my sudden look of frieght. I told her through my tears that I had a miscarriage on that bed ten years ago. She asked if I would like another bed. No, I said, it is alright. I choked down the memory, let it go, and crawled into the bed while the nurse readied the IV. ..... After a long wait, the procedure got on its way. I am not sure why but the anesthesiologist looked in my mouth. He said I had great teeth several times. I thanked my mom and dad sitting in the chairs beside me. We all chuckled about orthodontists and were on our merry way. I woke feelimg the best I have ever felt under sedation. The anestesiologist said he was really careful with the dosage to keep it very minium and only a little narcotic at the end to help with the pain. Dr. Carr said he was glad he went with this procedure instead of doing it with a local in the office because he was able clean out a lot of junk. He even got hardened junk that was behind the eardrum. He does not think that this fluid is infected. Every time I ask if this or that is normal, he simply replies, "You have intersting ears". .....All and all it wasn't too bad today other then finding out I can't go swimming. I am glad to see my kids back home. We went for a walk as the night was cooling off. They were cray on their scooters. A bath and goodnight. A friend picked me up jus minutes after Hubby came home to tuck the kids in bed. We went out to Moms' Night Out with the girls. It was a nice time talking about pet horror stories and mice in our kitchens. My mom said today that she admired how resilliant I am. I didn't know what she meant. She explained that I pick myself up as immediately as possible and move forward. Well, walking with the kids and gabbing with the gals must be my spring board for the week.

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