Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Customer Service

It seems that I have run into several poor customer service incidences lately.  I am not one to get too irritated with most like in a store and all.  I realize that people, for the most part, are doing the best they know how.  Know how.  Now, that is the key here.  My customer service today at the cancer center was not up to par.  And, they do or at least SHOULD know how.  I will not bore you with the details.  But, this morning start of totally confusing me.  In the end, I can fault the change in office staff.  There was a drop in communication.  They didn't understand me, nor that I didn't understand them.  In the end, I was just embarrassed for nearly missing a doctor visit.  It all worked out in the end fine.
    In the past, the scheduler would run back while I was plugged into the machine and run over my appointments with me.  I brought my calendar and am always prepared.  She always made sure to work around my schedule especially with the children.  She made sure things were worked out while they were in school and so on.  Sometimes she even went way out of her way to work with my schedule.  No one brought me a schedule today.  No one asked me when the best times were.  I had to go up to the desk on my way out to ask what was up.  She gave me a doctor visit appointment at 3 pm in six weeks.  When I asked when my infusions were, she just said she didn't know and this was all she could do.  Okay, fine.  But, in the past, the gal would go ask.  If I had a question, she had a question.  At any rate, I left feeling very confused and without any scheduled appointments.  Certainly, they will call with my appointments.  But, 20 bucks they call when I am cooking dinner and kids are loud.  Another 20 bucks says they make all my appointments at 3:00 pm when I have no child care.  And, why?  Well, because they didn't take the time to ask and work with me. 
   Now, sure, this may sound silly to be annoyed.  But, do keep in mind that being a cancer patient is extremely stressful.  These appointment really inconvenience my life.  They really need to take the time to work around us and reduce our stress level.
   Stepping off soap box.  Everything is doing alright.  I have rashes from the tape so have to be carefully there.  I had my stitches removed yesterday and can finally shower but can not swim for another week.  I can tell you the details of my last surgical procedure but maybe I will leave that for another day.  For now, I need my long nap.  I miss my TV.  Did get my studio nearly picked up last night.  I cant believe that I actually have extra space in my closet.  Oh, and by the way, I live in the most beautiful state in the country.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, the schedular did call in the middle of a nap I fought the children to get. And, she wasn't too willing to schedule around my yoga either. I guess I do have to schedule around my cancer instead of it working around me.
