Friday, August 27, 2010

Inner June Cleaver

   Originally, I thought, wouldn't it be fun to blog every night about cleaning and scrubbing like a good little housewife?  My blog would be a bit like Julie and Julia where she cooked a recipe everyday out of Julia Child's cookbook.  Well, alas, reality speaks in quit a different manner.  You know that quest to clean on Sunday and do such a thorough job that the clean smell would last ten days.  Pipe dreams.
   I did finish in approximately five hours over three days.  After such time, I decided to leave the toilets wearing a pretty little red ring in the bowl and finger prints on the windows for later in the week.  Do keep in mind I spent most of my time cleaning the basement thoroughly.  And the digs are clean enough. 
   In my quest to find a balance in my roles, health, spirituality, and, well, sanity, I found enough is the key word.  Good enough.  Strong enough.  Long enough.  It is okay to let go of perfection even though it pains me.  Oh yes, there are those who judge and think I am totally obsessive.  Oh yes, it is true.  Do know that this role as housewife was easy for me.  Yes, I am bragging.  Cleaning a house was an accomplishment to be proud of.  It only took a bit of time, and I orchestrated it into my daily activities to entertain, educate and feed toddlers.  So, in the end, my quest really is finding that inner June Cleaver again.  No, I don't want her to show off and be the top awarded mom of the year.  I just want her back so my mind will be lifted from the effort of housework.  I want to be free to create and dream because yes, vacuuming the floor and washing the sheets once a week really is just that effortless.  In time.  Or maybe it is saying that it is good enough for now.  I embrace my clean laundry piled on the couch all week unfolded because the floor is vacuumed and mopped.  I will do my weekly laundry tomorrow.  I will add to the pile on the couch.  And, alas, it will get folded and put away simply because I have no underwear.  Good enough.

Midnight Housewife Tip:  To clean a futon after work men sawed a whole in the ceiling beams above it, pull the mattress on the floor and vacuum.  Don't forget to vacuum both sides and dust the frame before replacing the mattress on the side that was facing down so it is now facing up.

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