Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Real Housewife

So a thought occurred yesterday as I was teaching my son to ride his bike with two wheels down at the end of the street where the cars don't drive.  I thought, "Hey, we need a REAL Housewives of East Boulder County."  This is what housewife life is about.  It isn't pearls and stilettos. It is pearls of sweat and Chacos.  It isn't nannies and carry-out dinners.  It is praying for a good nap time and sandwiches for dinner.  Here is the day in the life of a REAL Midnight Housewife of Boulder County.

7:05 am Son wakes up daughter (who crawled into mom's bed at 5:30 am) to tell her to brush her teeth.  Daughter looks bewildered.  Son gleams and announces, "I did it, mom.  I woke up to my alarm clock, brushed my teeth, made my bed, changed my clothes and am now all practiced for school to start.  Now, get up, Julia.  You have to do it too.  You need to practice."
7:21 am Cereal for breakfast, again.  Poured wrong flavors, again.  Settle tearful whining by explaining they can tell me tomorrow what they want, again.
7:44 am  Wash up dishes (find out later I forgot to wipe off table) and sort kitchen area.  Kids start playing some game where they have every single Hot Wheel out on the floor.
8:12 am  "When are we going to do something?  Can we go swimming?"
Work on picking up house...have no idea exactly what...and mediate two fights and questions about when we will go someplace.
8:45 am Chat on phone with friend and start working on fixing pantry door storage rack.  Consider it was probably rude to start the drill while still talking on the phone.
9:14 am  Finished pantry.  Start second project involving a drill and a saw, clothes rod for air drying in the laundry room.  Talk to mom on phone.
9:45 am  Motivate kids to change in their suits to go swimming; slather sunblock (Find out later that I totally missed sections of my own back that I can no longer reach and now have lighting bolt shape burns.)
9:58 am  Leave for pool.
10:16 am  At pool, realize kids don't really need me to swim anymore.  Start feeling sad that someday they won't even want me to stay with them at the pool so I will have no reason to go to the pool.  Because if I go a lone I will look like some weird pervert...or I will have to just start doing laps.  Bummer.  I love the pool.  Chat with friends from MOMS Club.
12:14 pm  Leave pool for home.
Friends arrive for play dates.  Julia is off on her bike and Jack is whining to ride his bike.  His buddy wants to play inside with his Batman toys.  I want to work on the laundry rod and maybe organizing something.  I get a little work done.
3:12 pm  Play date over, Jack's buddy heads home.
Jack and I head out to pick up Julia on bikes.  We meet them half way and find she fell really hard on her bike.  Make it home, fix knee with a lot of tears and a band-aide. 
4:48 pm  Other friend, the one from earlier, calls.  We are to meet for dinner in the park.
Head out for park as Scott returns home from work.
Grab Wendy's because we are tired of PBJ sandwiches.
5:30 pm  Cloudy when we arrive at park.  Kids play.  Rain comes in.  We eat in shelter.  Beautiful double rainbow.  I marvel at Friend's ability to juggle four children age 6 and under.  Way to go K!
6:38 pm  Julia falls on bloody knee and is crying and tired.  Time to leave.
7:08 pm  Home for warm bath, two books, tucked in bed, so tired that there is little argument.
7:58 pm  Head out for run.  Realize sun is going down earlier these days and wished I remembered my cell phone in case of emergency.  Stay on lighted streets in housing areas.  Love the time in my own head listening to music.
8:01 pm  Home for a bit of sun salutations and then a bath.
9:00 pm  Sit down, look at clock and understand why my parents thought we were all crazy when we didn't leave the house to start our nights out with our friends until 9 pm when we were in high school.  Now I understand why they were heading to bed as I was leaving for the night.
10:00 pm  After picking up a few more things...why are these things always needing pick up... go to studio and think I will watch a movie and work on organizing.  Check Facebook instead.  See a hilarious video called Colorado Girls, share it.  It is nearly 11 pm, goodnight.  Jack will be up at 7 am with his alarm.

1 comment:

  1. All those shows do need to follow REAL housewives...I like your version!
