Sunday, August 1, 2010


   So I have a new definition.  Last summer, I invented the word chemocation.  During ten days (actually the first two days of the round weren't too bad) I was so incredibly tired and sore I don't remember things.  I checked out.  I don't even remember my niece coming to visit us during that period.  No memory.  No visual memory at all in my brain.  I also forgot vocabulary and had a hard time even reading a children's book out load to my children.
   This morning, I am inventing chemo-tired.  This is when your body is so incredibly sore and tired that you really aren't too sure you will be getting out of bed in the morning.  Yesterday, I moved two rooms of furniture all by my self.  Save the printer which has a picture of two people caring it on the side so I had my Dad help move it down stairs, I shoved, slid, rocked, and waddled a desk, dresser, double bed, two kitchen cabinets, three counter tops (the 10X4 is still up stairs as I will not attempt that alone), a oak easel, carpet, and piles and piles of stuff between the two rooms and down to the basement or garage. 
    Maybe I am a little bit crazy or just a little bit Taurus.  My bull-headed self saw a vision and made it so.  I am not completed with my new studio, of course, as I will need to sort and discard many items.  But, I completed Jack's new room which included a painting delay.  I touched up the blue wall which had huge holes from my design board.  As it dried, I realized it was totally the wrong tint of blue.  So I ended up painting the lower half of the wall and topping it with waves.  This will add nicely to his surfer theme.  I will also need to hang pictures, but it is super clean and ready for sleeping.  I can't wait to see his face when he gets home today.
    I also picked up Julia's room so she felt a little special too.  And, I completed installing the network systems on the computer.  This  morning, I will work on moving the office supplies to the computer area or elsewhere (but they are out of my studio!!!).  Then, my mom will help with the organizing of the studio for a couple of hours.  It really will be a bit tight in there so I am going to need another organizer to help me how to properly stuff every corner.  Do remember, I may be clean and organized but I am an artist.  And, artists are pack rats by nature.  My junk just packed into clear storage boxes and labelled.
    Well, I am off to a hardy breakfast with my mom to fuel this sore, chemo-tired body.  I will post pictures when I am done.  I wavered a bit yesterday as I looked out the great view of what is now Jack's room.  But then, I realized that when I am working, I don't look out the window.  This new space is physically separate from the other rooms and will hopefully feel more like a sanctuary.  I am now super excited to get a canvas back up on the easel and get started working; well, maybe after I get some lighting and music us installed. Tootles.

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