Thursday, June 28, 2012

What Great Teeth You Have

Something quite unexpected happened this morning. I checked into the day surgerey center amd then was escorted back where I dressed in my gown, peed in the cup (I told you I wasn't pregnant), and shuffled out of the bathroom. The nurse took my belongings back and ushered me around to the first stall. I froze. A wall of emotion welled up in my throwt. I felt sick. Tears brimmed my lashes. This bed was the bed I sat on ten years ago bleeding with a miscarriage. It was my twelfth week. They baby died at eight weeks. I hadn't miscarried so we scheduled an DNC. But, just as I laid down on the hospital bed, the miscarriage started. Today, it all came back. A memory forgot amd put in the vault. The nurse gwve me a tissue witha puzzled look on her face at my sudden look of frieght. I told her through my tears that I had a miscarriage on that bed ten years ago. She asked if I would like another bed. No, I said, it is alright. I choked down the memory, let it go, and crawled into the bed while the nurse readied the IV. ..... After a long wait, the procedure got on its way. I am not sure why but the anesthesiologist looked in my mouth. He said I had great teeth several times. I thanked my mom and dad sitting in the chairs beside me. We all chuckled about orthodontists and were on our merry way. I woke feelimg the best I have ever felt under sedation. The anestesiologist said he was really careful with the dosage to keep it very minium and only a little narcotic at the end to help with the pain. Dr. Carr said he was glad he went with this procedure instead of doing it with a local in the office because he was able clean out a lot of junk. He even got hardened junk that was behind the eardrum. He does not think that this fluid is infected. Every time I ask if this or that is normal, he simply replies, "You have intersting ears". .....All and all it wasn't too bad today other then finding out I can't go swimming. I am glad to see my kids back home. We went for a walk as the night was cooling off. They were cray on their scooters. A bath and goodnight. A friend picked me up jus minutes after Hubby came home to tuck the kids in bed. We went out to Moms' Night Out with the girls. It was a nice time talking about pet horror stories and mice in our kitchens. My mom said today that she admired how resilliant I am. I didn't know what she meant. She explained that I pick myself up as immediately as possible and move forward. Well, walking with the kids and gabbing with the gals must be my spring board for the week.

Day 34

(to be read in your best Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure voices) So, Dude, what's with the ear? It is like totally going to explode, man. Woh, dude, what's that goo totally coming out of your ear? Oh, yeah well, Doc Man totally exploded my ear drum. Bogus, dude. Hasn't your ear been bothering you for like ar supper long time; like totally New Years heh? Yoo, man. Post piercing is so ellating. But, would you stop talking so softly, I can't hear you. What? What did you say? Talk on my right side. Oh, yes Doc is putting me to sleep so he can put in a tube. That's cool, Dude. Maybe it will be like the inside of a shell. If I put my ear next to your ear, I will be able to hear the ocean. Nahaa. Just kidding. Well, it already sounds like the ocean in my head now. Oh and Man, I can hear my heart beat...bump...bump...bump. (out of character, back to Sara. And, don't ask....bored I guess.) My ear has had pain off and on since January. The last two months I basically couldn't hear much from the left. We've watched it with my Ear Nose and Throat guy. But, last week, the pain became too much in a short amount of time. I have been in the office to have it drained every morning except Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow, I will have a permanent tube put in under general anestsia. I am not happy about it, but my head already feels better other then my headaches are back. Yes, the radiation headaches. And, that is how this whole ear gig is stupid cancer's fault. Both ENT and Oncologist comcure that the radiation "messed with" my ear tissue causing it to be unable to reduce fluid in my mastoid which is a bone behind the ear. I had been hospitalized for mastoiditis in 1995, when I was twenty. That time was a pnemoua b infection. This time, the culture showed no bacteria growth infection. Anyway, appartently, this is a WBR side effect that can happen in the sinus, ears, and other like areas in the head. So now you know why I have been sticking my finger in my ear and rubbing my jaw the last several months. The hear gal says the hearing nerves are all intact and expects hearing to return in time. Please pray for that because I am trying to learn the guitar inspite of the fact I can't feel my finger tips. Eye yie yie, God, keep me in the right of mind please. PS God, I pray for my left leg. I have lost part of my left vision, left hearing, and function in my left arm. So I pray that there is no more assult to my left half because I need all the function of my beautiful right brain to create more beautiful art. Please keep me running, seeing, hugging, and holding a paint brush for as long as I live. Oh, and typing too because I sure love writin'. Sincerely, The Girl Who Could Write with Both Hands and Is Now Glad She Chose to Be a Righty in Kindergarten.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What's my Art Movement?

So I was doing some reading last night on what it means to be a post-modern contemporary artist.  Much of the art I see these days is either still hanging onto the Asian Magna crud (clearly my opinion) or grotesque, overly sexual naked orgies.  Is that what is consider the art movements the Twenty Teens?  What are the artists dabbling in Plen Aire and other fabulous classic genre called when executing these modalities in a post-modern era that revere sex, sexuality, video, and tipping over the insanity edge.  And, where do I fit in?  After some thought last night, I decided I am a Feminist Surrealist.  Now, I am not totally sure Feminist is the right word.  Maybe I ought to just say female.  This is important to note because Post-Modern Surrealism is a male movement.  Though there are several women contemporaries of note, they were primarily shoved out of the inner circles of Surrealism.  Also, Feminists of the era criticized the Surrealist for using the female nude as objects of desire and other Freudian symbolism.  The reason I chose Surrealist is that the movement explores the immediate mind thought without ego editing while creating real images.  My work may not have dripping clocks or contorted naked figures in a dessert landscape mostly devoid of color and happiness.  My work is beautiful and realistic at its surface.  Yet, below the surface it speaks of my subconscious bemusing.  Ergo, I am a sub-real, or surrealist with a feminine intuition.  Now, I am not sure that this is a timely art movement nor a valid title for the stream I travel with my painting and writing.  However, I do not wish to dabble in the odd sexual, horrifying genre that seems to be the way of the young artist.  My work is subtle in its emotional dealings.  The first impression is one of feminine beauty.  Only after an intimate viewing may one really understand the story being told.  And, truly, it should be viewed in person, not on an iPad.

Day 32 & 33. Missing my Sun and Moon

It turns out that when my sun and moon are gone, even for a spell, My Earth starts to spin chaotically. The first day or two of darkness is a bit of experiment as The spin moves through hyper drive getting everything on the needs-doing list squared away. Then it slows to a putter sipping tea and watching a movie and it is only three. What? Pakamas at six is too early? Oh yah, the first in the shower. That is what hot water feels like. Okay, let's spin. It's 8:30 pm and perfect time to sew. Feeling a little twentyfive uear old frisky in the head. One eleven am, I missed your zen. ......Seven thirty one, where is my little girl who sucks her thumb? Where is Mr. Brown eyes? Oh, I miss you. I had such fun spinning in the dark in my own chaotic universe. But, it is time for a hug to give my Earth gravity. Kiss kiss. Soon, my babes. Stay away a little longer so the doctors can patch me up once again, make me all better. Won't it be great when Mommy can hear you the first time around? See you really soon, Sun and Moon.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Just a Moment

It just takes a moment. Really, just a minute. But, the reward can last all day. The other day, I went in to get a rice milk late half hazelnut, half vanilla. Ms. Barista poured the frothy beverage into my cup and said, "I hope you notice how how particularly creamy the rice milk is today." She stared down at the froth stirring the delicate carmel and white foam into a shape of heart. Her eyes were lit with subdue amusement. I told her that I was glad she noticed something so small in her day. She looked at me confused. So I told her that most people don't take the time to experience the small moments, the beautiful weed in the sidewalk crack, how facinating a crushed bottle cap looks in all its shiny glory in the parking lot, or that too many humming birds actually can make a noise that is a bit unnerving. "I am just saying it is nice to meet someone who notices details like me. Most people don't have that skill. We are so lucky." Her smile tells me it has been a long time since someone told her she was neat as she watched me push the door open with my back. It only takes a moment to notice someone. Just a minute. Gift for them. A gift for you.

Day 29 - 31

What's a mom to do when the kids are at the in-laws? Nothing. Yes, a bunch of nothing. Well, I am sure if my ear didn't nearly explode, I have ran an marathon or climbed Long's Peak with my husband. Yes, that is it. Nay, I rather for the sleep and working on a sewing project. It is a surprise for a friend so don't ask. Wait, did I hear your heart beat in antiipation? Maybe. At any rate, when your body keeps sending you curve balls, a day can dissolve with sand through your fingers. I have no idea what I did Saturday excpet feed the fish, toss out the hermit crab's molted shell, wonder if I threw out crab two on accident thinking he was dead but really he just pulled into his shell so far I couldn't see him, and sleep about three hours in the middle of the day..... Late afternoon, Hubby woke me. We dressed up a bit and drove up to the Fawn Brook in Allenspark. We had dinner just like we did exactly twelve years earlier. Yes, our rehersal dinner was at the Fawn Brook. Sunday, our twelfth anniversary, I got my lazy head off the pillow, ear still hurting a bit, and dashed off to restorative yoga a 8:00...... After class, I sat in my car for minute bemusing it was only 9:12 am, too late to make church but early enough to leisurely meander through my morning. So grocery store and home to sort stuff. Then Hubby and I went out to Costco and began planning for our next trip. It has been years, maybe eight, since we shopped together. It was sort of relaxing not having a a schedule or kids to feed and calm down. So this is what it feels like to be a couple without kids. It has its pros and cons. Nice liesurely lunch out at Mad Greens (yes, kids, a full bowl full of green stuff called lettuce) and home for a movie and chill out time. Now, I remember what a weekend was like before kids. This is nice. Wonder what those kiddos are doing with grandpa and D.?..... And that brings us around to today, pretty boring atually. A run that turned into a walk about half way and a visit with the ol' ear doc. Okay, so it isn't great when they are quiet, right? Well, so my afternoon turned from one of liesurely sewing on the surprise for my friend to sitting in Rocky Mountain Cancer fully tapped and filling my veins with cancer fighting, sleepy causing, nausia inducing soldiers. This was supposed to be my tomorrow. Alas, I will have ear surgery Wednesday to put a permanent tube in. This time, he is putting me under. Well, there goes my free week to make art and previewing life as an empty nester. But, hey, life is good. Thanks for lunch today, Kel.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 28 & 27: What a Pain

It started with a throb. I was crying and dizzy by the time we got to the car. By the time we completed the 45 minute drive north, I ask if I could go to the hospital. Well, it was just before five o'clock so we called my Ear guy. On the way up to the fifth floor of the medical bilding, my mom and I, who were trying to hurry, got stuck in the elevator on the first floor. We had to use the phone to call maintence. After waiting nearly ten minutes and thinking I just might start panicking, the ceiling of the elevator shook, dust came down, and I was certain we would have to go climbing up out of the elevator no matter that I was dizzy or not. But alas, the doors did open. We took the other elevator. Turns out later that it was the work crew on floore four who tripped the safety with too heavy of a load. We just happened to run into the comstruction manager on the fifth floor and he hear our conversation of why we were so late. I din't think he was too happy with his crew. I went home with some antibotic and ear drops. The drops were a cool relief but my ear throbbed all night. .....Friday, I had a tube put in my ear. I have been dealing with heaaring loss and variable ear pain for several months now. Today was finally the day to puncture that distended ear drum and relieve the pressure. Due to the inflammation being so bad, the local aestesis didn't take well. It hurt so bad. Now, we all know what a great patient I am. We all know I have had countless compliments for laying so very still for hour long MRIs. But, today, I had to be pinned down by the nurse. She was very gentle and it was actually very conforting to have her hold my head in case I jumped. The Doc, who is awesome and tells stories from Longmont's history since he is a third generation local, pulled out about a half of shot glass of fluid. And, there was still more ergo the tube. So I have to walk around with a cottonball in my eaar. But, man, you would not believe the relief. ....So let's go back to Thursday. I saved the best for last. We had such a wonderful day. My folks took the kids and I to the Denver Art Mueum, Julia's requested summer day out. We saw the Yves Saint Laurent retrospective. It was an amazing show. I vote the curator get some sort of award. I learned so about history, women of the sixties and seventies, clothing, and a couture culture which has always been an enigma to me. After lunch we visited a few other exhibits in the Hamilton building including favroites in the Western Contemporary collections, the current photography of women in the sixties and seveties (think there was a theme there), the Impressionists, and Longmont artist, Scott Fraser. Well, as we were wrapping up the day in the Native American floor, my ear started to hurt. It started with a throb. I was crying and dizzy by the time we got to the car

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day twenty something...a Tale of Four Fish

Once upon a time, Sister and Brother did not go up the hill to fetch a pail of water. No, they woke up each morning, made their beds, brushed their teeth, got dressed, cleared the table after cereal was consumed, put on socks and shoes without complaint, tottled off on a fairly flat half mile walk to school, went inside said school with out a major mommy-attachment-uber-drama, and earned a sticker. Being that the stickers were fish and the reward page was a bowl with 35 squares, they earned a, drum roll! Patiently they waited for summer when Mommy was ready to clean one more environment. Well, and it worked out that two hermit crabs died so the remaining one was put in an easier to care for smaller environment. Rest in peace Piggie and Kermit in crab heaven. Yes, according to the two Js, each animal type has its own heaven. So off we trottle on our first do nothing day of summer to purchase said fish rewards. Everyone is happy. One huge glass bowl, totally cool fake plant, rock thingy, and two female betas, one crown tale one dragon tale. But, honestly, Son, she's just a normal ol' beta female for $.99. Dragon tale sounds so much more manly, right? So off we trot home with two females who aren't supposed to fight so they can stay in one large glass bowl so mommy only has to clean one gallon of water per week. Perfect. Two fish. One bowl. The sunsets and the new day shines on the other side of slumber. So mom is eyeing Son's normal, I mean, dragon tail beta. She isn't looking to good. Ho hum dee dum, she is dead. Son is torn. Mommy finds receipt with fourteen day pet return policy and off we trot. Lively gold beta female with red dragon like fins is exchanged. Oh she is a lively one. The day ends witha brilliant sunset and another begins way too early on the day of summer solstice. Daughter exclaims, "I think Brother's fish is trying to eat mine.". "oh no, the pet store lady said female betas don't fight like the males do.". Ho dee dumbdee dumb. It is the end of the day. Rascles are surprisingly silent in their rooms. It is quiet. Mom checks the pets. You know fish number one, Sparkles, fish number three, Fireworks and Crabby. Where is Sparkles? Petite little crown tail beta is nose in the rock bed. Her fins are ripped to shreds. Oh, my! Panic. Crisis mode sets in. Cool, store is open until nine. Seven minutes to get there. Screech, Miss Pet Store Lady, of the same name as Mom, is right out the door. Help, I have my second dead fish! Oh my! It looks like she was in a fight. Are you sure you have two females? Yes, you helped pick them out. Look of disappointment. Blah blah blah, Mom walks out with a second one gallon tank and fake plant on the house. Fourth fish is just like first fish. Mom saves the day. Will the feeling of pride last after cleaning two one gallon fish bowls? We shall see. Will the kids figure out that Mom replaced the fish with an identical sister fish? Stay tune tomorrow because I am going to bed. RIP Kermit, Piggie, Fireworks Number One, and Sparkles Number Two. May no other death of a mini-being befall this here home for one year minimum, Amen

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 22 through Day 25. Little Boy Lost

Some where in the past weekend I lost my son, found him, lost him again, and now he is all tucked into bed, safe. It is hard being a boy. Not strong enough for much and determined enough to get into trouble. This past year, we entered a world of boyhood that is a skipped chapter in the Now You Have a Boy manual. He pushed me to places I never knew I would go. I discovered anger through my frustration. Yet, inspite all the shoving, behind the mask, he is fragile. His ego is so fragile. This weekend pushed him up and down his rollercoaster at excellerated speeds. .....On Saturday, we woke at dawn to drive to central Colorado for a raft trip. Son went through his usual ups and downs of fear and excitement at the enterance of something new. It was a wonderful day full of Colorado air, bird watching, and splashes. At lunch, the skies got grey. Rain sent its impending presence with the dirty smell of ozone. Son was nervous. Son hid under the table for a few sprinkles. Son said he would never go rafting again. Alas, after getting back in the boat and high tailing it out of the pocket of drizzle and gusty winds, the sun shined. Son, once again shed his fears and asked if he could swim in the cold water. The day was long and pleasant. Sitting on the warm deck for dinner retelling all our bird encounters was a treat after the cold afternoon. (The stars of the day were a bald eagle, horned owl, goslings galore, golden hawk, turkey vultures, red wing black birds, sparrows, butterflies, a hare, and a beaver.) .....Sunday, Father's Day, was also full of family fun. After a slow waking and breakfast, we dash off to Water World not knowing much about the place. We find out on the way it is about $40 per ticket, $120. We arrive and Son has a crying fit of fear in the parking lot. The line is long and frustrations were hit. So we head up north a few minutes to the Bay, my original suggestion for the day. Son is nervous for the slides even though he has been to the Bay a dozen times. After reassurance he only has to go on what he wants, we head in. Short line, fathers were free, and we had a lunch. Total cost for a day of sun, swim, slides and family, $20. I am so proud of Son. I asked him over and over if he trusted me. Finally, he said yes, and we went on a bigger, twisty slide together. After about five times together, he wanted to go a lone. Yeah! Then he even tried the other slides. Of course, I bribed him with a cookie which he certainly didn't forget. My reward for the end of the day was going to yoga class and then getting compliments for my dinner. That was the first time in a really long time that not one single person turned their nose up to one single morsel put on their plate...and it wasn't pasta. ....After a weekend like that, the record player got stuck on one line, what are we doing now? Where are we going now? Well, okay, there just happened to have been a park day planned by Son's buddy from school. No ome showed, kids had an okay time anyway, and it was nearly one hundred degrees by 11:00 am when we left. So we head to the smoothy store and then the pet store. Home with the two female betas, Sparkles and Fireworks, that are reward for "confident mornings" during the school yesr. Why two females? Well, you can imagine one kid wants a beta male, another wants a guppy, the the first changes mind for a gold fish, and second child starts to walk out of the store because he wasn't getting his way. See, Mommy is only cleaning one enviroment so one bowl, two fish, and betas fight and eat other fish. So just in time, She swoops in with a grand solution of two female betas. Of course Second Child will have nothing to do with this idea until She, the store employee, shows him a slender beta in brilliant blue she says is a special dragon beta. Sold. Compromise made, and the day is only half over. Afternoon spent going through clothes kids out grew or will no longer wear. Yeah, two bags full. Then the victory lap for the day, Wendy Woo at the Prospect Eats in the park. Wow, what fun! Great food even though my favorite food truck, Herilooms, was absent. My dad joined us and a friend showed up so we danced and grooved. ....Now, today, tired Son moved in and out of lion and lamb. Nothing was right. He felt like a failure at one moment and then was silly entertainer the next. It truely is exhausting. There is a silent battle a parent strategically wars in their head. Okay, the kid is truely hurt, empathy. Okay he is faking it, how do I handle this again? He just wailed on his sister, but she did just scream in his ear, both to time out. He hates the world and himself, empathy again, right? Oh, crap his fish we bought yesterday is totally dead. Now what. Phew, the ability to get a badge on the SuperMom cape for rushing off to the pet store to exchange said dead fish for a lively beta in cream and red that looks more like a firework is an awesome skill. A quick talk about death and pet heaven. Just smile and say, "What do you think? That sounds about right." An afternoon play date with siblings of appropriate ages is a blessing for SuperMom. Small chores completed, batteries changed in animated dragon, nail polish located and girl time on the deck defended, and airplanes made with immature hands are mended. Oh, yes, there was a crash or two along the way. But, I stayed strong with empathy and hugs and He came back. I just hope ten years is enough time to get him ready to be a good boyfriend and future husband. I think I will get a rainbow stripe on my cape. Oh, yah, one that has a little irridesence. ....hey, has anyone noticed that the young ladies are wearing their hair up in big buphants reminiscent of the sixties and reflective of the mall-hair of the eights?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Days 20 & 21 - Sharpening the Saw

.....In April, I was a guest speaker at my kiddos' elementary school on the topic of Sharpening the Saw, habit seven in Covey's seven healthy habits of leadership. I was the token artist. Following a multi-talented seveteen year old alumni who had started his own companies and runs the music sound systems for the area schools made me a bit nervous. But, hey, I pulled off rock star status some how. Maybe it ws the lesson on Zen Tangles or showing them the quick test to see if they were right brain or left brain thinkers. Okay, it really was the fact I could draw a human. At any rate, I mentioned that being a creative right brainer, I sharpened my saw by doing quilts which takes a lot more left brain thinking...aka math...and yoga. That is it! They were impressed a bald lady could hold tree pose. .....Day twenty of summer vacation and day three of both kids in day camps all day turned out to be my sharpen my saw day. After dropping the youngesters in their designated camp locations (which according to Goggle maps forms a perfect twenty-two minute drive time triangle from my house) I trottled off to Solar Yoga. Yeah! It had been nearly ten days since my last hot class and I was beginning to feel like a major slouch mouch even though I was doing yoga weeding three days before. I tell you, if there is one thing to get addicted to, it should be hot yoga. If I can't attend regularily, I can tell. It felt so awesome to be on my mat. Breath in one two three four five six. Breath out one two three four five six. Breath in.... ....After a snack and a bottle of water, oh yah, and a shower, not in that order, I headed to acupuncture. Wow again. I have had treatment before with another lady. But, this gal knows her stuff. After all, she was voted employee of the month by the Longmont United Hospital for June. She used cups, or glass domes, suctioned to my back because my Lymphadema restricts all needles on my left side near my arm. It was pretty cool feeling. I sort of felt like a boat with barnacles on its bottom. There was something she burned on my needles on my legs, and she put in needles in two points on my ear that I have been having trouble hearing out of. She connectd something that reminded me of a car battery jumper but much smaller to the two needles. I could feel all kinds of energy jamming and colliding in my body. I will see her again next week because she "moved some much energy that it needs more time to exit properly." Yah, that is about right. A sign of a good treatment is an urgent need to use the restroom when you get up. So this was a good treatment then. ....On to the afternoon. Having only about an hour, I finished sorting stuff around the house after the carpet cleaning. Then, off to get the kids. I was exhausted, the kids were exhausted from camp. A good night to let them zone in front of Fairly Odd Parents and easy no cheesy mac for dinner. Then a board game and beddy-by time. My body trembled slightly from all my zenning. ....So day twenty-one was a day of rest and exercising my mind. Paint day. Morning delivery to camp became an ordeal of forgotten items. But, eventually, everyone ended up at the right camp with purchased waters from Ted's Hardware in Lyons. I made a quick and much needed stop at Super Target for fruit, snacks, and laundry soap. Then, Vic's for a rice milk nutty-nilla latte and chocolate croissant. My day on through lunch and the afternoon, I painted. Oh, I love the stuff. How better to spend three hours then in your right brain making it feel like an hour? ....And that is it. Oh, yeah, pleasantly tired momma made it to pick up potluck dish from Chick-Fila, waited twenty minutes more then should have because they messed up the order, was fuming mad, managed to repeat mantras to cool it, go get friend's kiddos to take to said potluck, arrive only fifteen minutes late to potluck, help serve four children and self, clean up spilled leamonade, chat with friend and coo over one month old baby, pick up everyone else's litter on the lawn as they went off to the proformance, watch said performance, look at sky and inpending rain cloud, watch Son do an excellent job reading lines for his skit, clap and dance to some song about God's grace, rush Son to car, drive speed limit twenty two minutes to Lyons, arrive only fifteen minutes late just in time to catch Daughter's skit, tour the camp with Daughter, got ignored by said daughter,get sad she is growing up, drive home, set Son with dad to watch basketball, go take a much deserved shower, help Son shower, build a tent, tell Son he is loved, close off the lights, rinse a few dishes, and crawl into bed all before 9:30 pm...such an ordinary life I lead. Namasta.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 15-19: Getting High on Fire

Friday, we headed up to the mountains to my parent's cabin. It is a quaint two bedroom with a loft. Though they are a bit of a pain when they know the "big people" are staying up to watch a movie, I love sharing a room with my guy and doll. They are so beautiful when they are sleeping. That is probably just because they aren't talking, just kidding. ....Saturday, we girls spent the morning sewing and chatting. Grandma and Julia made sock dolls sewing by hand. It was so fun to witness. My Jewels is really grewing up. The relationship she has with her grandma is a special one for sure. The boys went fishing and caught a 16 incher. Jack said he caught it. So we told him he has to clean it. So he admitted Grandpa caught it, but he would go watch and learn how to do it. ....After lunch, we headed to the bitty town of Red Feather Lakes to sign up for the summer reading program at the library. As we crest the hill on the west aproach to the central townhood, I notice this unusual grey cloud. The High Park fire had just started. We gossip around town and find out a few details from the librarian. Just a few acres in Rist Canyon are burning. We go on down to Dowdy Lake to climb some Boulders always weary of the plum as it grows. Blah blah skip forward, kids a in bed exhausted from the day and fussing about their fingers after guitar practice on the porch. We "big people" decide to stay the night as the Poudre River and a high ridge is between us and the fire. The winds are high to the south west. We are north east. ....Sunday, Mom comes in our dark room. "Kids, are you ready for breakfast? Granpa and I suddenly have business in Longmont today so we are all going to leave from the cabin after we eat.". Code is time to go. The fire doubled over night. Though it was bellowing south west towards Ft. Collins, the exit road out for the area shoots down south towards the fire. So we eat, clean up, close down the cabin, and head down. As we exit the valley past the Shambala Center, we see the plum of smoke. Driving down 287, it is as if we are driving towards a wall of brown cloud. We take off east on Owl Canyon along the edge of the wall. On our left side, it is a beautiful, clear, sunny morning. On the right, a nrown cloud of smoke so thick you can't see beyond a foot. Then, we have to shoot south a bit towards Wellington, and we are in the cloud. The light is eerie with a golden glow reminiscent of a solar eclipse. Blah blah blah, we get to Longmont, drop off kids with Dad and head to the Hunger Games which was still playing at Flatirons Mall. We're still worried, and Mom is checking her phone for updates. ....More blah blah blah, it is Monday. We wake to a slight stench of camp fire. It had doubled and is still not contained. This is bad. The kids are off to day camp. I do a run after two puffs from my inhaler. I'm so slow that the seventy year old woman power walking blows by me. But, hey, I am running and I didn't stop for three miles. Blah blah blah, clean the kid's bedrooms and bath getting ready for the carpet cleaner tomorrow. Blah blah blah, I take kids to the Monday night music and gourmet food truck night at Prospect. I enjoy a lamb slider and a silly hula hoop contest with Son. It was a tie. I can go longer and make it spin slower and faster. But, Son is champion of twirling while not letting the hula hoop drop. I was floored at his skills and praying he won't join the circus someday. Daughter found a friend who was just as silly as her. And, I brought home two very exhausted kiddos and toss into bed so easy peasy. Well, sort of. ....Tuesday is horribly smoky when we rise. We can smell it in the house now. I fear camp will be cancelled. Jack's bible camp made adjustments to hold more of the events inside. Julia's was in Lyon's where it was clearer skies. Phew. Coffee with friends for me, then home to clean. The carpet guy arrived early. I scrubbed the downstairs, including washing the couch cushion covers, while he worked. I pride myself in that the man, who has been into many, many homes, commented several times about how nice of a home I have. Yeah, thanks! I work very hard to keep it tidy and decorated nice. Of course, it is pretty nice being an artist and having all the fabulous originals to adorn the walls. I have also been working on my art collection and recently added two black and white prints by Tony them! Anyway, it is nice to be reconized for my efforts instead of being teased about the possibility that I might be a bit O.C. ....Well, blah blah blah, the High Park fire is now over 40,000 acres. Areas closer to the cabin have been evacuated. The smoke in Longmont cleared a little this afternoon but is expected to be an on going concern as long as the fire burns. And, that may be a while. There is talk of it raging most of the summer as it encroaches on dense state forest land riddled with pine beetle killed trees for fuel. I pray for the friends and strangers who may have lost their homes, the wolves and horses that were evacuated, and the fire fighters. I am sad that we may not get to enjoy the cabin the three times we have booked to visit my folks. It will be a loss for the children as they are so free up there. I will miss the great sense of family and nurturing of the woods. But, then again, we all know the power of prayer. So put your energy to work.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Days 12, 13, 14

Have you ever said, "Someday I wanna..."? Well, that day has come. A couple weeks ago, I found a Mission style cabinet with glass doors. I always wanted one to finish off the living area and display my quilts. So I bought it. It looks beautiful, and I love taking my quilts out of the linen closet. ....Another thing I kept saying, one day I a print of my friend and photography artist Tony Umile. So on day twelve of our busy summer, I took Jack to visit Tony's studio. I ended up purchasing two prints. One from his mannequin series and another from his San Diego series. Both use double negatives. Now I am a collector! I need more wall space. By the way, if you haven't made the Weston show at the Longmont Museum, go. It is a once in a life time show. ....The other thing I said I would do this summer is learn to play the guitar. So, I bought one. It is a green Brwonsville. Now is time to start learning so I can play for Julia's girl scout troop or whatever. It is interesting because I haven't learned anything new for years. ....Wednesday, day 13 was a massage in the morning while kids were in camp and play time at Sandstone Ranch in the afteroon. The kids had a great time with friends in the water spriklers. Later in the evening, we all sat down with our new guitars and learned rhythmic strumming. If there is something you keep meaning to do, figure out how to get it. Time is a wasting. ....Today, I am blogging for the arm chair. News from the doc. was informative more then anything. We discussed the two new drugs for HER2/neau positive cancer. The kids will go over to my parent's house. I will mostly sleep. This weekend, we will go up to the cabin in Red Feather Lakes. We will enjoy our time together. The kids have not been up since the fall.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 11: The Midnight Hosewife

There is a good reason why this blog is called the Midnight Housewife. When I started it, I would sit down for the day roughly 10:35 pm. I would watch Jay Lenno and flip to David Letterman and back again during commercials. Usually, I would be folding laundry that I had run through the machines all day and piled on the couch. The kitchen was clean, the piles of to dos and children's art work were organized in neat stacks, and everyone had been sleeping for four hours except me. Well, I am at my old tricks tonight. Today was lovely because the kids were generally in great moods and I had lunch with my mom. Daughter attended the first day of a Graeme Base creative writing and drawing class through the school district. Jack and I grocery shopped. It reminded me of the old days when Jack attended preschool in the mornings, and we shopped while Julia was in school. Then we met my mom for lunch at Mad Greens. It was a liesuerly lunch ending after two pm. Then it was errand time and back home to start chores. Dinmer was yummy BBQ chicken legs, watermellow, and caprese salad. Bed time was pleasant for a change. Then I watched one episode of something with four dudes with Husband before he was out for the count. That is when the Midnight Housewife decided she rather be tired tomorrow then live one more day in the mess and filthy floors. So laundry was finished and piled, floors were swept and mopped, and stuff was moved from point A to point B or thrown in the trash. Being that I promised my doctors to get in bed by ten, yeah right, it has been a long time since I have seen two old geezers talk nonsense while folding laundry. No, I won't say, "she is back," just yet. Nope, I am more then sure I will deal with major muscle crapping tonight due to muscle fatigue. And it is likely my kids will be up before me. But, heck, there is nothing like walking barefoot on a freshly mopped floor. Am I right or am I right. Over and out. PS Sorry, my iPad is not posting my blogs formatted correctly. I am using paragraphs. I swear.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Days 9 & 10: One More Hike

Day 8: The weekend was full of friends and fun. Up at Sol Vista with two women I have known for eight years and our seven kids in a two bedroom condo makes for interesting sleeping and awaking. I lucked out and took the absent husband's side of the king bed with the hostess. I could have slept forever in the quiet, dark room. Yet, wouldn't you know my body clock is ringing at 7:30. I am not sure exactly what happened to the morning hours. But, we left for a hike just before lunch time. Adams Falls, just north of Grand Lake, is a simple hike gaining some easy elevation for a half mile. The falls are gorgeous. However, the trail architect didn't really get it right. The safety wall is too high or too close. You can't get a decent photo and have to lift our kids to see the falls. They really should have had the fall viewing area approached at a lower elevation so one could take in the entire falls. The saving grace is the nice "play" area above the falls. There are wonderful eddies to put your toes in the icy water. And, the boulders make excellent king throwns for ruling over royal subjects. Just as we ascended onto the parking lot, the rain came. Great timing. The afternoon was wasted away gracefully with play for the kids and book reading and naps for the moms. In the evening, we had a potluck at the club house and sometime to swim. Daughter was sort of in the "middle." The kids her age are boys and the girls are older. So she felt out of sorts much of the time. However, Son blended right in to a group of pirate boys. The day was settled with a campfire and s'mores. Day 9: Today, we had to clean the condo. It is amazing the amount of stuff one brings for a weekend. There are coats, boots, sandals, swim gear, cold food, dry food, hats, clothes, extra clothes, toothbrushes, games, videos, and the list goes on. With kids, all of these said items are sure to be strung across the place no matter the efforts of poor ol'mum to tiddy up along the away. So needless to say after sleeping in a bit from our big night around the campfire, it took a grose amount of morning to clean and sort. Yet again, just before lunch time, the other guest family and mine take off for RMNP. Our goals is to hike somewhere on the western slope we usually don't have time for. Alas, rain and hungry tummies threatened to thunder so we found a short meadow hike with picnic tables, Coyote Valley. It was a nice manicured ramble near a river and beaver ponds. There were dandillions everywhere and the moose, elk, and coyote scat was plentiful. After lunch, we leave at our own pace. My car heads on over the "hill" stopping at a few pull outs that I have never took the time to visit in the twenty years I have lived in Colorado. Since the skies were still a bit stormy, I decided to start a new series focussing on clouds in my studio. The sun came out and, even though we were expected home soon, we went up to Alluvial Fan Falls. I felt a little pride in the fact that my kids walked around like the owned the place. One can definately say we are raising two explorers and experiencers. Yeah! Four hikes in four days is great scout training. Or, at least training for my little sprouts to keep up with their mountain runner, climber, Fourteener conquer father.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day Eight of Summer Vacaction, The Mine

This was a fun day for the three of us. The kids were so escited to hit the road an explore. Though there is a lot to get ready which delayed the departure until ten, it was a beautiful day for driving. The sun was out, the temperature in the seventies, and the kids so happy to be playing their Nitendo DS game plauers that theyonly get to use in the car and doctor appointments. In timely fashion, we arrive in Idaho Springs just before noon. We share a lunch at Beau Jo's. I an't believe i am going to admit this but I almost walke out on the bill. Yep, we'd been sitting there for a bit, the kids were whining to leave and use the restroom, and I plain got ditracted. I don'y know if I can claim diminished bain compacity due to whole brain radiation or not. But, I did finally remeber after we stopped to look at the antique fooseball game in the front window. I think the waitress was nervous because she nearly flew at me and said she would be right back with the check. Oh, well. My only thought was what would I have done if I had not remebered And they sent the manager after me, or I remebered half way up the hill and hour later and the guilt set in. I can say one thing, I felt at that very moment like an old lady who doesn't have all her eggs in her basket. If you haven't had damage to your brain, it may be hard to understand the pure confussion that these situations inflict. At any rate, we have a nice afternoon tour of the Argo mine and mill. The kids love history. At the end, we did dome gold panning for an hour or so. This reminded me of when I used to go to northern California to gold pan in real rivers with my neighbor and his daughter. Those were fun trips under the redwoods! We found some bits and pirite pebbles. The tour guide was so nice. She gave the kids souvenior viles and helped them put their gold inside. Then it is off up the hill. Driving Berthpud Pass ina Prius is better the the drive game on the iPad. Hold on tight. We arive a bit before four, unpack, and head to the pool. It is pretty chilly but the hot tub is nice. About the time we a back in the condo, our friends arrive. I have dinner ady for the troops. They bond immediately over their DS games. The other family arrives and we try to scoot seven children ages five to twelve in a tiny room. At some point, the quiet down and we moms settle in for a movie. Midnight, the sheets are finally dry, beds made, aand we retire to read books. Okay, well, dooze off after two pages anyway.