Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 34

(to be read in your best Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure voices) So, Dude, what's with the ear? It is like totally going to explode, man. Woh, dude, what's that goo totally coming out of your ear? Oh, yeah well, Doc Man totally exploded my ear drum. Bogus, dude. Hasn't your ear been bothering you for like ar supper long time; like totally New Years heh? Yoo, man. Post piercing is so ellating. But, would you stop talking so softly, I can't hear you. What? What did you say? Talk on my right side. Oh, yes Doc is putting me to sleep so he can put in a tube. That's cool, Dude. Maybe it will be like the inside of a shell. If I put my ear next to your ear, I will be able to hear the ocean. Nahaa. Just kidding. Well, it already sounds like the ocean in my head now. Oh and Man, I can hear my heart beat...bump...bump...bump. (out of character, back to Sara. And, don't ask....bored I guess.) My ear has had pain off and on since January. The last two months I basically couldn't hear much from the left. We've watched it with my Ear Nose and Throat guy. But, last week, the pain became too much in a short amount of time. I have been in the office to have it drained every morning except Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow, I will have a permanent tube put in under general anestsia. I am not happy about it, but my head already feels better other then my headaches are back. Yes, the radiation headaches. And, that is how this whole ear gig is stupid cancer's fault. Both ENT and Oncologist comcure that the radiation "messed with" my ear tissue causing it to be unable to reduce fluid in my mastoid which is a bone behind the ear. I had been hospitalized for mastoiditis in 1995, when I was twenty. That time was a pnemoua b infection. This time, the culture showed no bacteria growth infection. Anyway, appartently, this is a WBR side effect that can happen in the sinus, ears, and other like areas in the head. So now you know why I have been sticking my finger in my ear and rubbing my jaw the last several months. The hear gal says the hearing nerves are all intact and expects hearing to return in time. Please pray for that because I am trying to learn the guitar inspite of the fact I can't feel my finger tips. Eye yie yie, God, keep me in the right of mind please. PS God, I pray for my left leg. I have lost part of my left vision, left hearing, and function in my left arm. So I pray that there is no more assult to my left half because I need all the function of my beautiful right brain to create more beautiful art. Please keep me running, seeing, hugging, and holding a paint brush for as long as I live. Oh, and typing too because I sure love writin'. Sincerely, The Girl Who Could Write with Both Hands and Is Now Glad She Chose to Be a Righty in Kindergarten.

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