Thursday, June 14, 2012

Days 20 & 21 - Sharpening the Saw

.....In April, I was a guest speaker at my kiddos' elementary school on the topic of Sharpening the Saw, habit seven in Covey's seven healthy habits of leadership. I was the token artist. Following a multi-talented seveteen year old alumni who had started his own companies and runs the music sound systems for the area schools made me a bit nervous. But, hey, I pulled off rock star status some how. Maybe it ws the lesson on Zen Tangles or showing them the quick test to see if they were right brain or left brain thinkers. Okay, it really was the fact I could draw a human. At any rate, I mentioned that being a creative right brainer, I sharpened my saw by doing quilts which takes a lot more left brain thinking...aka math...and yoga. That is it! They were impressed a bald lady could hold tree pose. .....Day twenty of summer vacation and day three of both kids in day camps all day turned out to be my sharpen my saw day. After dropping the youngesters in their designated camp locations (which according to Goggle maps forms a perfect twenty-two minute drive time triangle from my house) I trottled off to Solar Yoga. Yeah! It had been nearly ten days since my last hot class and I was beginning to feel like a major slouch mouch even though I was doing yoga weeding three days before. I tell you, if there is one thing to get addicted to, it should be hot yoga. If I can't attend regularily, I can tell. It felt so awesome to be on my mat. Breath in one two three four five six. Breath out one two three four five six. Breath in.... ....After a snack and a bottle of water, oh yah, and a shower, not in that order, I headed to acupuncture. Wow again. I have had treatment before with another lady. But, this gal knows her stuff. After all, she was voted employee of the month by the Longmont United Hospital for June. She used cups, or glass domes, suctioned to my back because my Lymphadema restricts all needles on my left side near my arm. It was pretty cool feeling. I sort of felt like a boat with barnacles on its bottom. There was something she burned on my needles on my legs, and she put in needles in two points on my ear that I have been having trouble hearing out of. She connectd something that reminded me of a car battery jumper but much smaller to the two needles. I could feel all kinds of energy jamming and colliding in my body. I will see her again next week because she "moved some much energy that it needs more time to exit properly." Yah, that is about right. A sign of a good treatment is an urgent need to use the restroom when you get up. So this was a good treatment then. ....On to the afternoon. Having only about an hour, I finished sorting stuff around the house after the carpet cleaning. Then, off to get the kids. I was exhausted, the kids were exhausted from camp. A good night to let them zone in front of Fairly Odd Parents and easy no cheesy mac for dinner. Then a board game and beddy-by time. My body trembled slightly from all my zenning. ....So day twenty-one was a day of rest and exercising my mind. Paint day. Morning delivery to camp became an ordeal of forgotten items. But, eventually, everyone ended up at the right camp with purchased waters from Ted's Hardware in Lyons. I made a quick and much needed stop at Super Target for fruit, snacks, and laundry soap. Then, Vic's for a rice milk nutty-nilla latte and chocolate croissant. My day on through lunch and the afternoon, I painted. Oh, I love the stuff. How better to spend three hours then in your right brain making it feel like an hour? ....And that is it. Oh, yeah, pleasantly tired momma made it to pick up potluck dish from Chick-Fila, waited twenty minutes more then should have because they messed up the order, was fuming mad, managed to repeat mantras to cool it, go get friend's kiddos to take to said potluck, arrive only fifteen minutes late to potluck, help serve four children and self, clean up spilled leamonade, chat with friend and coo over one month old baby, pick up everyone else's litter on the lawn as they went off to the proformance, watch said performance, look at sky and inpending rain cloud, watch Son do an excellent job reading lines for his skit, clap and dance to some song about God's grace, rush Son to car, drive speed limit twenty two minutes to Lyons, arrive only fifteen minutes late just in time to catch Daughter's skit, tour the camp with Daughter, got ignored by said daughter,get sad she is growing up, drive home, set Son with dad to watch basketball, go take a much deserved shower, help Son shower, build a tent, tell Son he is loved, close off the lights, rinse a few dishes, and crawl into bed all before 9:30 pm...such an ordinary life I lead. Namasta.

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