Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 29 - 31

What's a mom to do when the kids are at the in-laws? Nothing. Yes, a bunch of nothing. Well, I am sure if my ear didn't nearly explode, I have ran an marathon or climbed Long's Peak with my husband. Yes, that is it. Nay, I rather for the sleep and working on a sewing project. It is a surprise for a friend so don't ask. Wait, did I hear your heart beat in antiipation? Maybe. At any rate, when your body keeps sending you curve balls, a day can dissolve with sand through your fingers. I have no idea what I did Saturday excpet feed the fish, toss out the hermit crab's molted shell, wonder if I threw out crab two on accident thinking he was dead but really he just pulled into his shell so far I couldn't see him, and sleep about three hours in the middle of the day..... Late afternoon, Hubby woke me. We dressed up a bit and drove up to the Fawn Brook in Allenspark. We had dinner just like we did exactly twelve years earlier. Yes, our rehersal dinner was at the Fawn Brook. Sunday, our twelfth anniversary, I got my lazy head off the pillow, ear still hurting a bit, and dashed off to restorative yoga a 8:00...... After class, I sat in my car for minute bemusing it was only 9:12 am, too late to make church but early enough to leisurely meander through my morning. So grocery store and home to sort stuff. Then Hubby and I went out to Costco and began planning for our next trip. It has been years, maybe eight, since we shopped together. It was sort of relaxing not having a a schedule or kids to feed and calm down. So this is what it feels like to be a couple without kids. It has its pros and cons. Nice liesurely lunch out at Mad Greens (yes, kids, a full bowl full of green stuff called lettuce) and home for a movie and chill out time. Now, I remember what a weekend was like before kids. This is nice. Wonder what those kiddos are doing with grandpa and D.?..... And that brings us around to today, pretty boring atually. A run that turned into a walk about half way and a visit with the ol' ear doc. Okay, so it isn't great when they are quiet, right? Well, so my afternoon turned from one of liesurely sewing on the surprise for my friend to sitting in Rocky Mountain Cancer fully tapped and filling my veins with cancer fighting, sleepy causing, nausia inducing soldiers. This was supposed to be my tomorrow. Alas, I will have ear surgery Wednesday to put a permanent tube in. This time, he is putting me under. Well, there goes my free week to make art and previewing life as an empty nester. But, hey, life is good. Thanks for lunch today, Kel.

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