Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day twenty something...a Tale of Four Fish

Once upon a time, Sister and Brother did not go up the hill to fetch a pail of water. No, they woke up each morning, made their beds, brushed their teeth, got dressed, cleared the table after cereal was consumed, put on socks and shoes without complaint, tottled off on a fairly flat half mile walk to school, went inside said school with out a major mommy-attachment-uber-drama, and earned a sticker. Being that the stickers were fish and the reward page was a bowl with 35 squares, they earned a, drum roll! Patiently they waited for summer when Mommy was ready to clean one more environment. Well, and it worked out that two hermit crabs died so the remaining one was put in an easier to care for smaller environment. Rest in peace Piggie and Kermit in crab heaven. Yes, according to the two Js, each animal type has its own heaven. So off we trottle on our first do nothing day of summer to purchase said fish rewards. Everyone is happy. One huge glass bowl, totally cool fake plant, rock thingy, and two female betas, one crown tale one dragon tale. But, honestly, Son, she's just a normal ol' beta female for $.99. Dragon tale sounds so much more manly, right? So off we trot home with two females who aren't supposed to fight so they can stay in one large glass bowl so mommy only has to clean one gallon of water per week. Perfect. Two fish. One bowl. The sunsets and the new day shines on the other side of slumber. So mom is eyeing Son's normal, I mean, dragon tail beta. She isn't looking to good. Ho hum dee dum, she is dead. Son is torn. Mommy finds receipt with fourteen day pet return policy and off we trot. Lively gold beta female with red dragon like fins is exchanged. Oh she is a lively one. The day ends witha brilliant sunset and another begins way too early on the day of summer solstice. Daughter exclaims, "I think Brother's fish is trying to eat mine.". "oh no, the pet store lady said female betas don't fight like the males do.". Ho dee dumbdee dumb. It is the end of the day. Rascles are surprisingly silent in their rooms. It is quiet. Mom checks the pets. You know fish number one, Sparkles, fish number three, Fireworks and Crabby. Where is Sparkles? Petite little crown tail beta is nose in the rock bed. Her fins are ripped to shreds. Oh, my! Panic. Crisis mode sets in. Cool, store is open until nine. Seven minutes to get there. Screech, Miss Pet Store Lady, of the same name as Mom, is right out the door. Help, I have my second dead fish! Oh my! It looks like she was in a fight. Are you sure you have two females? Yes, you helped pick them out. Look of disappointment. Blah blah blah, Mom walks out with a second one gallon tank and fake plant on the house. Fourth fish is just like first fish. Mom saves the day. Will the feeling of pride last after cleaning two one gallon fish bowls? We shall see. Will the kids figure out that Mom replaced the fish with an identical sister fish? Stay tune tomorrow because I am going to bed. RIP Kermit, Piggie, Fireworks Number One, and Sparkles Number Two. May no other death of a mini-being befall this here home for one year minimum, Amen

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