Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 11: The Midnight Hosewife

There is a good reason why this blog is called the Midnight Housewife. When I started it, I would sit down for the day roughly 10:35 pm. I would watch Jay Lenno and flip to David Letterman and back again during commercials. Usually, I would be folding laundry that I had run through the machines all day and piled on the couch. The kitchen was clean, the piles of to dos and children's art work were organized in neat stacks, and everyone had been sleeping for four hours except me. Well, I am at my old tricks tonight. Today was lovely because the kids were generally in great moods and I had lunch with my mom. Daughter attended the first day of a Graeme Base creative writing and drawing class through the school district. Jack and I grocery shopped. It reminded me of the old days when Jack attended preschool in the mornings, and we shopped while Julia was in school. Then we met my mom for lunch at Mad Greens. It was a liesuerly lunch ending after two pm. Then it was errand time and back home to start chores. Dinmer was yummy BBQ chicken legs, watermellow, and caprese salad. Bed time was pleasant for a change. Then I watched one episode of something with four dudes with Husband before he was out for the count. That is when the Midnight Housewife decided she rather be tired tomorrow then live one more day in the mess and filthy floors. So laundry was finished and piled, floors were swept and mopped, and stuff was moved from point A to point B or thrown in the trash. Being that I promised my doctors to get in bed by ten, yeah right, it has been a long time since I have seen two old geezers talk nonsense while folding laundry. No, I won't say, "she is back," just yet. Nope, I am more then sure I will deal with major muscle crapping tonight due to muscle fatigue. And it is likely my kids will be up before me. But, heck, there is nothing like walking barefoot on a freshly mopped floor. Am I right or am I right. Over and out. PS Sorry, my iPad is not posting my blogs formatted correctly. I am using paragraphs. I swear.

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