Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What's my Art Movement?

So I was doing some reading last night on what it means to be a post-modern contemporary artist.  Much of the art I see these days is either still hanging onto the Asian Magna crud (clearly my opinion) or grotesque, overly sexual naked orgies.  Is that what is consider the art movements the Twenty Teens?  What are the artists dabbling in Plen Aire and other fabulous classic genre called when executing these modalities in a post-modern era that revere sex, sexuality, video, and tipping over the insanity edge.  And, where do I fit in?  After some thought last night, I decided I am a Feminist Surrealist.  Now, I am not totally sure Feminist is the right word.  Maybe I ought to just say female.  This is important to note because Post-Modern Surrealism is a male movement.  Though there are several women contemporaries of note, they were primarily shoved out of the inner circles of Surrealism.  Also, Feminists of the era criticized the Surrealist for using the female nude as objects of desire and other Freudian symbolism.  The reason I chose Surrealist is that the movement explores the immediate mind thought without ego editing while creating real images.  My work may not have dripping clocks or contorted naked figures in a dessert landscape mostly devoid of color and happiness.  My work is beautiful and realistic at its surface.  Yet, below the surface it speaks of my subconscious bemusing.  Ergo, I am a sub-real, or surrealist with a feminine intuition.  Now, I am not sure that this is a timely art movement nor a valid title for the stream I travel with my painting and writing.  However, I do not wish to dabble in the odd sexual, horrifying genre that seems to be the way of the young artist.  My work is subtle in its emotional dealings.  The first impression is one of feminine beauty.  Only after an intimate viewing may one really understand the story being told.  And, truly, it should be viewed in person, not on an iPad.

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